Completed Critique Crying paratrooper. Ilovaysk. Ukraine. 2014. Scale 1 \ 35


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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
Hi friends. These figures show the defeat of the Ukrainian army was surrounded in Ilovaysk in 2014. During the fighting militias Novorossia destroyed many tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and soldiers of the Ukrainian army. Shows the real characters of the war. Two Ukrainian Army paratroopers were captured by the militia Donbas. They got the nickname Weeping Paratrooper. Subsequently, they were exchanged for captured soldiers Novorossia.


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Good to get some background information. The mistreatment and humiliation of prisoners on screen seems to become a regular habit in modern conflicts - maybe it`s just natural to see these scenes replicated in model form. And maybe next will be raping scenes or the beheading of hostages? Of course with attached historical footage of the real stuff???
While the anatomy and details seem to me ok the faces could be improved and don`t convey the feelings of the real people in the accompanying - drastic and controversial - pictures IMHO.
Is this your own sculpt? What putty did you use? Will it become a commercial release?
The war in Ukraine continues in these days. Cruelty show both sides of the conflict. Ukraine throws into battle untrained reservists poorly armed with obsolete weapons and rusty machinery. For example, cartridges for machines used Klašnik 1965 release. Many towns in the south-east of Ukraine in ruins. Surrounded by Ilovaiskaya Ukrainian army lost more than 1,000 killed. Figures made of plastic Fimo. Will be released in Russia by Masterklub.
Given the hotchpotch of uniforms on the scene this could easily be converted to crying Russian soldiers or Russian-backed rebels captured by Ukranian soldiers. Just need to scrape away the insignia.
Both sides use the equipment, weapons and uniforms of the Soviet Union. Just use ammunition, equipment and uniforms Russia, Bundesfera, Britain, Poland, Canada, the US and others. But the figures are made by real events and real photos are confirmed. If you type in the search: Sobbing paratrooper\ ПЛАЧУЩИЙ ДЕСАНТНИК\ get these photos crying paratrooper uk
Probably "Master" is right. If we look for tortured guys we'll find more Ukranians than Russians...
Not a bad diorama, perhaps not aesthetically, but if the aim is to condemn cruelty, welcome!


Inaki, I am not sure aim is to condemn cruelty at all.

You see it through your map of the world, because you would condemn it. The fact that it is being released in Russia to me says it will be used for gloating and humiliation of Ukraine and promoting Russia's nationalism , not to condemn anything. It utilises a well known image with a well known clear presuppositions, and its designed to provoke certain responses on both sides - which I can bet I can predict with 100% accuracy.
This diorama joins the line of others - there is a set of figures which depicts Russian FSB officer subduing " a terrorist" etc etc . Its all seems touch one sided, wouldn't you agree?
I dont think they condemn any mistreatment of prisoners, this is not the intended message.

I recall Igor's (I think?) Chechen fighters that caused slight butthurt on Russian forums, mind you no one has sculpted well documented scalping, beheadings and crucifixions of Russian soldiers yet. Part of the history , what can you do?
What an opportunity to make a diorama to condemn violence and mistreatment of prisoners...

***the fact that I took time to write this all instead of ignoring it all together clearly indicates butt hurt on my part. There you go, conflict of interest declared:D
I had the same feeling, but irony doesn't always work ;)
If someone want to use our hobby with a nationalist propagandistic purpose I recommend being proffessionaly treated first (and reading a lot, too).
I am confident in most of the people involved in this hobby, as intelligent guys who being infatuated by a figure, its painting leads into films, books (or reversed process).
Regarding Russia, and far from wanting to go deep into Political discussions (or being accussed of trolling), I think there is vignette about Nemtsov being shot to be delivered soon. Purely with the aim of showing everyone the terrible suffering of people in Russia. By the way, we could produce hundreds of vignettes like this in Spain, but I don't think they would sell well.
However, it's a good topic how Art is influenced by Politics...


Dear friends. I participated directly in the events under Ilovaisk. Was wounded and transferred to the reserve. This gives me the moral right to choose the story vignettes. Glad I could draw your attention to this strange war that continues today. In this war, often brothers fighting each other. I hope the war will soon be over.
I too hope this war is soon over for you, I am glad you survived so far. Your work is definitely inspired from a first hand perspective. Good luck. Stay strong.

First I would like to say that participating does not autmatically give you any rights whether they be moral or of accuracy. Neither does it exclude others from the very same thing.

With that said, I can understand the feelings of this piece as all these subjects are hard to touch and model. This is also more infected in recent and ongoing conflicts. But I think everyone should think a bit about the fact that it could be percieved in different views from the viewers side.

-The viewer can think that this is a heartbreaking scene showing some of the harsch realities of war and conflict.
-The viewer might also gloat and like the humiliation of the defeated and mistreated soldiers.
-Additionally the viewer might feel emphaty for the victims or enraged at the perpetrators.
And there could be many more ways to percieve the scene.

Where Im going with this, is that many provocative scenes act like Rorschach-test and what we read into them is what we already have decided based on our general views on the subject.

Janne Nilsson
статья 282 УК РФ («возбуждение ненависти либо вражды, а равно унижение человеческого достоинства»). печально,что политика касается военно исторической миниатюры (((
  • War is sweet to those who have no experience of it,
    but the experienced man trembles exceedingly at heart on its approach.
    Pindar (518BC-438BC)
  • History of mankind is history of warfare.We stop fighting only to clean our weapons or to invent a new one.Dusan Kovacevic
I dont see anything on this mini diorama.
Only destruction of human dignity of Ukraine soldiers. They are in fear for their lives.
No man who have seen war could produce such piece. i find this scene a very disturbing .

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