Inaki, I am not sure aim is to condemn cruelty at all.
You see it through your map of the world, because you would condemn it. The fact that it is being released in Russia to me says it will be used for gloating and humiliation of Ukraine and promoting Russia's nationalism , not to condemn anything. It utilises a well known image with a well known clear presuppositions, and its designed to provoke certain responses on both sides - which I can bet I can predict with 100% accuracy.
This diorama joins the line of others - there is a set of figures which depicts Russian FSB officer subduing " a terrorist" etc etc . Its all seems touch one sided, wouldn't you agree?
I dont think they condemn any mistreatment of prisoners, this is not the intended message.
I recall Igor's (I think?) Chechen fighters that caused slight butthurt on Russian forums, mind you no one has sculpted well documented scalping, beheadings and crucifixions of Russian soldiers yet. Part of the history , what can you do?
What an opportunity to make a diorama to condemn violence and mistreatment of prisoners...
***the fact that I took time to write this all instead of ignoring it all together clearly indicates butt hurt on my part. There you go, conflict of interest declared