PlanetFigure Supporter
Here I show you a bust from our Calvin
There is nothing to say, only its sculpted from Aron Schiele.
Available at his website
The pics speaks for themselfes, but let me say one thing.
I wished there where be more companys like him in the figureworld.
Absolutley clean cast no moldlines no bubbles and so one.
The kit comes perfectly packed, and....washed.
Let me give a tribute to him..
Thanks luca, wonderful.
Hersteller: Luca Piergentili
Kit: Da Man! sculptedt by Aron Schiele
Maßstab: 1/6
Material: Resin
There is nothing to say, only its sculpted from Aron Schiele.
Available at his website
The pics speaks for themselfes, but let me say one thing.
I wished there where be more companys like him in the figureworld.
Absolutley clean cast no moldlines no bubbles and so one.
The kit comes perfectly packed, and....washed.
Let me give a tribute to him..
Thanks luca, wonderful.
Hersteller: Luca Piergentili
Kit: Da Man! sculptedt by Aron Schiele
Maßstab: 1/6
Material: Resin