Thank you very much, my friends! I really appreciate all your comments.
Yoshi I used oil colors for this figure. Only primer is acrylic.
my DAK colors
Trousers :
primer/base color is acrylic sand color (Pactra)
shadows - raw umber,
highlights - yellow ochre and yellow ochre + titanium white
primer/base acrylic sand or sand + little green color
shadows - fir geen + raw umber,
highlights - yellow ochre + (mixed shadows colors) or fir green
next higlights is the same colors {yellow ochre + (mixed shadows colors) or fir green} + little titanium white
primer/base - acrylic sand color + white
shadows - yellow ochre + raw umber or yellow ochre
highlights - yellow ochre + titanium white or titanium white
I hope i helped you a little....
Best regards