A few months ago Nik Ableev posted this sculpt with a view to selling the master. Thankfully Richie, at 1879 Miniatures bought it and had some cast. I was on it like a fly on dog-poo!
I have just spent a month or so doing a couple of commission builds of 1/48 aircraft, so haven't been on figures. I was therefore looking for something not too taxing to get myself back in figure mode. This critter fitted the bill perfectly.
It is beautifully sculpted and Richie's casting does it full justice. Very few clean-up issues and parts fit is spot on. The only thing I "altered" was the tail - discarded the original and sculpted a curly version, as my missus seemed to think it would be amusing to paint him to look like our dog. Women??!!
So, using Vallejo and Citadel acrylics and around three days sittings, here he is:
I haven't thought of a title for him as yet as he was only a fun project, but thoroughly enjoyable for all that.
Thanks for looking in
I have just spent a month or so doing a couple of commission builds of 1/48 aircraft, so haven't been on figures. I was therefore looking for something not too taxing to get myself back in figure mode. This critter fitted the bill perfectly.
It is beautifully sculpted and Richie's casting does it full justice. Very few clean-up issues and parts fit is spot on. The only thing I "altered" was the tail - discarded the original and sculpted a curly version, as my missus seemed to think it would be amusing to paint him to look like our dog. Women??!!
So, using Vallejo and Citadel acrylics and around three days sittings, here he is:
I haven't thought of a title for him as yet as he was only a fun project, but thoroughly enjoyable for all that.
Thanks for looking in