A Fixture
Just curious, has anyone had any trouble with MagicSculp or Apoxie Sculpt going off in their tubs?
Steve said:I have had Epoxy Sculpt get crusty in the tub, but somewhere I was told to stick it in a microwave for about twenty seconds. That worked great and it has not crusted since. If you blow your house up I did not advise this. :}
The residue on the top, kinda looks like cigarette tar?MSzwarc said:I have some Magic Sculp that's about 6 years old. Had no problems other than the hardener separates, but all I have to do is knead the hardener before I mix the two parts together. It works fine and sets up properly.
How long had you had it?Barke02 said:I've had Magicsculp go 'past its best'.