Carl - Thanks for mentioning my name and thus inviting me to answer regarding the Hakeswill figure.
My co judges ( Ray Farrugia and Andrea Tessarini ) - if they read this - along with the Chief Judge will back me up when I say that I declared a knowledge of the figure right at the start, allowing my two co-judges to take the lead on what they thought. We called over Geoff Illsley for his input when an agreement was not arrived at, and although he allowed for a kinder verdict than any of us had discussed, we then reached an agreement that all were happy with.
I would also like to mention the comment much earlier in this thread about you having "many friends at TB." Having called into question their way of doing things, I suspect that you may have upset one or two of them - after all, are they not allowed their opinions ?
Honestly, I'd like to chat to you about this face to face as so much can be lost or misconstrued in typing something. Maybe I have mistaken or misinterpreted something in your posts and you are not in fact against TB and it's ethos, but instead have been upset by a particular individual - me perhaps ? - and should be directing your comments at that person instead ?
Sometimes what we mean, and what we write can be so different.
Of course, people are always allowed their opinions - but sometimes it's best to keep them to oneself - hence I hadn't commented up until now.
The discussion about Euro judging will always be interesting. I'm honoured to have been on the judging panel for about 14 years now. There have always been bones of contention, particularly after the show, but sometimes speaking to the judges on the sunday is a much better idea. They are usually available and will actively help anyone to find a judge who worked on a particular class. Any judge worth his salt will be able to recall the conversation with his co-judges that took place the day before. But months after ? Well it'd have to be because it was a very memorable conversation or a memorable figure - I've judged at two shows since Euro, not to mention around 4000 pictures I've taken at Euro and old brain cell ( yes, I'm pretty sure it's singular ) is somewhat frazzled.
As for "critique" - it's a word Carl. Just that. And on TB we assume that if someone asks for comments, then they want to improve - if they ask me at a show ( and I assume that more people will back me up on this one, because I have been asked once or twice ) I always ask for confirmation that they "want to hear what I think, rather than what they would like me to say" I can wax lyrical about any figure, by the most basic of beginners, but making suggestions pitched at a level that the painter can realistically acheive can be a lot more difficult. Discussing possible methods pitched at that individual's capabilities is what will allow them to improve - but if they're happy with what they're doing, that's not wrong either - this is a hobby, we're supposed to be enjoying ourselves.
The ethos of the TB forum has been known for five years now. I like it when people critique my figures, they see things that I've missed, but that kind of thing isn't for everyone. I understand that, and as Guy has mentioned, there's lots of forums out there, finding a home on the one that suits you might take time, but it will eventually happen, and at the end of the day, that's what's important.
Do I feel you've dragged TB's name down ?
Better to ask "Have you highlighted what The Basement's about ?"
The answer is a "yes" to the second question ( Well, not maybe about the world domination ), which I'm perfectly happy for you to have done. However I would like to thank Keith Davidson for his take on our forum and it's activities at shows and with regard to clubs; I feel he's summed it up in a manner that has more carrot, and less stick, in it
Best wishes to one and all for Christmas, and Happy and Prosperous New Year to you all.
Adrian Hopwood.
My co judges ( Ray Farrugia and Andrea Tessarini ) - if they read this - along with the Chief Judge will back me up when I say that I declared a knowledge of the figure right at the start, allowing my two co-judges to take the lead on what they thought. We called over Geoff Illsley for his input when an agreement was not arrived at, and although he allowed for a kinder verdict than any of us had discussed, we then reached an agreement that all were happy with.
I would also like to mention the comment much earlier in this thread about you having "many friends at TB." Having called into question their way of doing things, I suspect that you may have upset one or two of them - after all, are they not allowed their opinions ?
Honestly, I'd like to chat to you about this face to face as so much can be lost or misconstrued in typing something. Maybe I have mistaken or misinterpreted something in your posts and you are not in fact against TB and it's ethos, but instead have been upset by a particular individual - me perhaps ? - and should be directing your comments at that person instead ?
Sometimes what we mean, and what we write can be so different.
Of course, people are always allowed their opinions - but sometimes it's best to keep them to oneself - hence I hadn't commented up until now.
The discussion about Euro judging will always be interesting. I'm honoured to have been on the judging panel for about 14 years now. There have always been bones of contention, particularly after the show, but sometimes speaking to the judges on the sunday is a much better idea. They are usually available and will actively help anyone to find a judge who worked on a particular class. Any judge worth his salt will be able to recall the conversation with his co-judges that took place the day before. But months after ? Well it'd have to be because it was a very memorable conversation or a memorable figure - I've judged at two shows since Euro, not to mention around 4000 pictures I've taken at Euro and old brain cell ( yes, I'm pretty sure it's singular ) is somewhat frazzled.
As for "critique" - it's a word Carl. Just that. And on TB we assume that if someone asks for comments, then they want to improve - if they ask me at a show ( and I assume that more people will back me up on this one, because I have been asked once or twice ) I always ask for confirmation that they "want to hear what I think, rather than what they would like me to say" I can wax lyrical about any figure, by the most basic of beginners, but making suggestions pitched at a level that the painter can realistically acheive can be a lot more difficult. Discussing possible methods pitched at that individual's capabilities is what will allow them to improve - but if they're happy with what they're doing, that's not wrong either - this is a hobby, we're supposed to be enjoying ourselves.
The ethos of the TB forum has been known for five years now. I like it when people critique my figures, they see things that I've missed, but that kind of thing isn't for everyone. I understand that, and as Guy has mentioned, there's lots of forums out there, finding a home on the one that suits you might take time, but it will eventually happen, and at the end of the day, that's what's important.
Do I feel you've dragged TB's name down ?
Better to ask "Have you highlighted what The Basement's about ?"
The answer is a "yes" to the second question ( Well, not maybe about the world domination ), which I'm perfectly happy for you to have done. However I would like to thank Keith Davidson for his take on our forum and it's activities at shows and with regard to clubs; I feel he's summed it up in a manner that has more carrot, and less stick, in it
Best wishes to one and all for Christmas, and Happy and Prosperous New Year to you all.
Adrian Hopwood.