Euro 2015 - and RP Models


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When Brian gets on a soap box does he get on it, !!:) but I have to agree 100% with him (a first :) ) lets be positive.

Three of us from Edinburgh have traveled down to Euro for 28 years now and have always had a great time, the ever increasing rail and hotel costs haven't put us off , but it may just, dependent on available funds hinder others from going, which could be one of the reasons for the drop of numbers, another this year could be the problems at the other side of the Chanel Tunnel. we actually believe the numbers were up on last year.

£14/£10 entry fee well worth the money for what you get, £4.70 a pint, be lucky to get a half for that in Edinburgh city center,

Hotel, we go to the Clifton (Brian thinks we're snobs), slight hiccup this year due to an earlier fire in the kitchens but otherwise excellent and they haven't increased their tariff for over 4 years.

As to the cost to traders can't answer that one, I only buy not sell, and I bought as usual more than I should have, but I always do!! ( could fight Waterloo with the grey army I have!!).

The Competition entries, mind numbing in there quality, the same goes for the quality to be purchased at the Trade stands.

A little piece of History why Euro is where it is, many years ago, I was having a drink with Ray Lamb and Linn Sangster at the bar in the Elizabethan Hall in Oldham at the Northern Millionaire Show, and the main reason they gave for using Folkestone for Euro was at the time the ferries from the continent came into Folkestone Harbour which they hoped would encourage continental modellers to attend, not because of its proximity to Historex Agents or Poste Militaire.

Did we have a great time at Euro this year "Yes" are we going again "Yes" already booked for 2016.

Only downsides, didn't go to the South Cliff on the Friday night but made up on Saturday (thanks for to all) and Derek (Del) did the Bridal Waltz instead of Euro:)

And finally to all the volunteers who give up their spare time and effort to make the show a success "Thank You".


Cheers big man,you've finally saw the light.Kidding aside i reckon your post is spot on.
Me tight :LOL: - I spent a bloody fortune lol and still didn't get everything. Twasn't me who complained about the price mate. :) My pre booked tickets worked out at £7 each day for me and I got in 30 mins before everyone else which was a boost in a positive direction to the organisers credit.

Usually ply ourselves with alcohol and wake with a bloody great hangover. :hungover: This time we had none but slept :sleep: allegedly above the squeakiest bloody wheel in the railway network :grumpy: . We're flying next year ....maybe....if we go of course.

Sorry Dave Folkestone is not Euro. Euro is Europes Premier Figure Modelling Show and if it was held a few miles away at a better more competitive venue with better facilities for visitors then I'm sure the continentals would still come - maybe even with their families as well.

I didnae mean that you wur tight Nige.I was meaning the chap that originally brought it up on this forum.
I think I might pay a hefty sum to have that guy with the microphone blethering nonsense every ten minutes shot.

Yes mate, he was starting to grate on me as well by the end and I got the impression he liked the sound of his own voice.

Had to laugh when he was introducing Pegaso and said "obviously you are from Spain, but whereabouts in Spain?" and Pietro Balloni came back with a very forthright (and slightly annoyed) "absolutely not, we are from Italy". Talk about not doing your homework! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

- Steve
Had to laugh when he was introducing Pegaso and said "obviously you are from Spain, but whereabouts in Spain?" and Pietro Balloni came back with a very forthright (and slightly annoyed) "absolutely not, we are from Italy". Talk about not doing your homework! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

- Steve

He cannot have been serious surely? He's gotta be a WUM
Well, gave me a laugh anyway.....
Sorry Dave Folkestone is not Euro. Euro is Europes Premier Figure Modelling Show and if it was held a few miles away at a better more competitive venue with better facilities for visitors then I'm sure the continentals would still come - maybe even with their families as well.

Absolutely. You're not telling me there are not better alternatives that are reasonably close by.
He cannot have been serious surely? He's gotta be a WUM
Well, gave me a laugh anyway.....

I'm pretty sure he wasn't joking Tony. But either way, Pietro didn't sound amused!

In fairness he dug himself out of it quite well afterwards with a couple of little digs at his own expense, but I think it took the wind out of his sails a bit.

- Steve
And if my auntie had balls she would be my uncle ;)

Next year I'm going to Sword and Lance in Darlington, I'm looking forward to that one, perhaps that will grow and rival Euro?

Never been to Euro but this is what you get at the Sword & Lance Darren;

Close to Teesside Airport
Close to Darlington railway station
Lots of great hotels and B & B's in the local area
Free parking (and even if it's not its a £1 all day)
£4.00 entry fee, concessions £2.00 and children 15 and under £1.00
A warm welcome and friendly atmosphere
Use of the college cafeteria at very reasonable prices, including beverages
College bar with drinks at Northern prices (never indulged, otherwise you would never get me out):)
World class demonstrations
I do not know what we charge for sellers tables but I'm sure they will be very competitive
A great level and standard of entries in the competition, many of whom will have entered at Euro
A great selection of traders and club stands
This year we had Mike Blank presenting the trophies and next year Bill Horan will be doing it. Now that will be something to strive for with your entries into the competition.

and best of all great Northern humour and banter(y)

Could we rival Euro....well for a small club I think we already do.....and in lots of ways beat them hands down......but there again I biased.

So if you have not been before we extend a warm welcome to all modeller's from UK, Europe and the rest of the world.

You know what they say never miss an opportunity
Was at Sword & lance for the first time last year and its a great little show. Definitely on my list for next year !
My thoughts are that Folkstone is not Euro - Euro was a prestigious show but is on the decline - if Euro were to re invent them selves a little the world class modellers and painters would follow - a new venue - better facilities for traders as well as punters. I have been 4 out of the last five years - I will give it a miss now as I feel it was a bit of a rip off - I started this thread - you all have differing opinions and that is allowed of course but I ask you all - if a show heavily oriented on figures and figure competition were to start up at a better venue - possibly better travel facilities (not Crawley), hotels available.

And traders should this be available at a lower cost for the pitch...

All of you...

Would you consider it?

Not to take anything away from Euro - but it's the high end modellers that would be required to attend of course
if a show heavily oriented on figures and figure competition were to start up at a better venue - possibly better travel facilities (not Crawley), hotels available.

"Build it and they will come" :)

It's a huge undertaking for anyone to take on and start up any show notwithstanding an army of volunteers and a budget to work with. I would consider going to any show - for instance I'll make Telford some day and Leeds Armouries if it comes off and if Euro were to move (it won't) then of course I'd go to that as well. The fact is there are not that many shows for figures.
Is this a canny way of trying to put Euro in a bad light in order to prep for a Northern version? I only ask as I heard from a reliable source that there was such a venture being discussed. That is great as the more shows the better, but this has come across as a bit of a North/South divide, with the South being portrayed in somewhat of a bad light, I can't help thinking there is a motive behind it all, but I may be wrong. It would be great to see another version in the North and I would attend, but hopefully not at the sacrifice of Euro.
The Engineering exhibition, when it was very figure orientated and Northern Militaire ran quite happily side by side. The competitions at both shows were highly regarded. I thought Figureworld (and of course the club shows) was the Northern figure show, maybe that just needs to incorporate a comp.
That is very interesting - no entry fees - in the UK I don't think that possible - all the venues have to be charged.

I am going to ask here - if I could organise a cheaper alternative at a good venue would you as a punter or trader be interested?

As a trader I attend one show a month on average and the list has been refined over the last few years. Every show we do is different and that is part of the appeal and they all generate a profit for us. There is a cheaper alternative at a great venue as far as figure modellers are concerned and that is Figureworld. It's totally different to Euro but a great show none the less. What kind of show did you have in mind Adrian and what would you like to offer that you feel other shows don't? We attend On Track which is held at the Leas as a successor to Trucks and Tracks; it's a good show but it doesn't attract the traders or punters that Euro does even though it's cheaper all around.
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