EuroMilitaire Publications


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Ray Welshman

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2012
Hi There,

Every year for the last 10 or so I used to pick up Military Modelling special issue on Euromilitaire. I looked forward to it every year but they no longer publish the issue but I think break it up into two articles I believe. Are there any other published specials on the show that I can find? I'm not really interested in web sites but looking for a paper/book to buy. I still go back to my older Military Modelling issues and look at them for inspiration and enjoy them all.


As the event has been 'owned' by the publishers for a few years, the Mil Mod edition has been the best way for this. However, having said that, I think I've got pretty much every one and some are a lot better than others. One or two years' are extremely thin are of pretty poor value really. This is especially disgraceful, as we're all aware that you could fill an issue on 54mm figs alone. It's quite clear as well that some year's magazines are much better produced than others. I fully appreciate it must be the Devil's job trying to decide what to leave out, as Euro gives us so many gems. I think one year a CD ROM was made with God knows how many pictures on it, no idea where to get one though mate.

Figurines magazine does give it some coverage, also look out for the Histoire & Collections 'Concourse' books, dated I think to the early/mid 2000s.
Yes Ray, Euromilitaire is now covered in the two issues following the event itself. Rising printing costs were among a number of factors which did not make the Special Edition viable any more. So for the past two years, if you buy the back copies of the 2 issues following Euromilitaire, you should find the articles in question:
Euromilitaire 2013: and
Hope this helps,
Thanks for the info, I've seen the issues mentioned but passed on them, its just not the same as the Special Issues and looks like there may not be anything out there. My chances of ever attending is low and I may get there once in my lifetime and those special issues was a great way to get a "glimpse" of the show. I used to pay I think $13 Canadian for the issue and personally I would pay $20 - $25 for a decent quality Euromilitaire Special Edition of the show.

Thanks for the answers


I collected all the euro editions and the first books that were published from the very first euros.
Also the DVD mentioned , although this doesn't compare at all with a printed image if you want a specific figure reference but it does show more of the weekend.
I don't understand the policy MM has with this. It is publicised and is without doubt a superb and world class show yet is scrimped on with merchandise, the magazine.
There are loads of options least of all offering a deluxe entry ticket that will include the magazine at a later date or ask the traders for an extra amount if they wish to appear in the print as advertising.
I see the savings made if subscribing to the normal magazines and really think if done well the euro special could be funded easily.
That said even if it only broke even it is surely of benefit to MM as it is in their interests to promote their own show, and even more gobsmacking that other magazines cover it better or just as well.

I would pay more for a specific edition.
Last year I saw the 2 magazines and didn't bother with the first as it wasn't worth it for the few pages.
A specific edition at say £12-£15 or so is a different story if good quality.
I know several people were up in arms when the the special was dropped, it made a great souvenir of the show, but not only did we lose that issue, the editor decided to drop the figure special as well, to pretty much concentrate on AFV articles with the odd figure one thrown in for good measure.
So like many I don't purchase the mag anymore. Not even the two part Euro article, that I assist the photographer with.

Perhaps we should try and get Ken Jones out of retirement:rolleyes:, although I'm sure I know what his reply would be.:LOL:

In truth mag's on vehicles sell more than figure ones, so there we have it.

MM Special RIP :cry:

So true Malc, but even AFV modeller and tamiya has the edge now.
MM had a specific identity and was the main stay for many of us and got us in to the hobby.
The new layout and presentation seemed to copy others in my opinion and the quality overall dropped.

MM has had its day with Euro being its golden egg, and I wonder how much revenue reliance comes from a Euro to compensate for where it is in the magazine market now.
Basically, euro helping support a magazine that doesn't really support figures anymore
I tried to work out last year what the revenue was on competition entries alone :)
Where would I get the CD that was mentioned. I use to buy MM on a regular basis and faithfully bought the Euro and Figure issues but no longer buy it at all anymore, I havent for quite some time for the reasons mentioned. The way I look at it they (MM) made a business decision and now wondering if any other publisher is coming up with something similar, looks like its not at this point. I will look for websites that have decent coverage I guess. I will get there someday though to see it.


Ray, PM me, you can have the DVD, it is the 2006 special by Compendium
Best wishes
The best online coverage usually is on here, or at least some of it, by the good members who post their pictures.
There was a lot last year and some were really superbly taken
I used to love the yearly special
But the two part is crap, in two mags you get way less pics
Sad it was the only mag I really looked forward to, apart from the scale modellers one that also did a yearly special but has also stopped , but it wasn't on the show
Both titles were great
Funny how the two I liked the most stopped and the ones not so interested in keep coming
I agree with everybody on here. What a crying shame.

Makes no sense to me how a publishing company can hold the rights etc to a fgure show and then not produce a commemorative issue to capitalise on what they themselves purport to be the "premier show in Britain". Or the world or whatever title they give it.

Even on 'online' version if that cuts costs for them. But to do such a peicemeal effort is very sorry indeed. The two-part articles are pants. Everybody knows this.
I used to watch the local shop for the Euro special very closely in December (it's Canada) as the copies they got flew off the shelves. I haven't picked up a copy of MM to even look at it in years. The last few MM specials were crap IMO with 2 page spreads showcasing one model and multiple shots of others. I even wrote a review on MM Forum and got a snarky rebuttal from the powers but lots of support from readers (ended my career over there pretty quick). It seemed particularly silly to me to profile a show with that many quality entries and show several shots of the same piece in a mag with limited space. Anyway RIP MM.

I used to watch the local shop for the Euro special very closely in December (it's Canada) as the copies they got flew off the shelves. I haven't picked up a copy of MM to even look at it in years. The last few MM specials were crap IMO with 2 page spreads showcasing one model and multiple shots of others. I even wrote a review on MM Forum and got a snarky rebuttal from the powers but lots of support from readers (ended my career over there pretty quick). It seemed particularly silly to me to profile a show with that many quality entries and show several shots of the same piece in a mag with limited space. Anyway RIP MM.


You know, I do rather miss having a real go at Military Modelling - it's been soooo long since our last rant!

Anybody else fancy having a good go? We might as well. A shame really as that magazine was a heavy influence in my getting back into modelling in the early 90s. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. In all seriousness, I do actually miss it.
You know, I do rather miss having a real go at Military Modelling - it's been soooo long since our last rant!

Anybody else fancy having a good go? We might as well. A shame really as that magazine was a heavy influence in my getting back into modelling in the early 90s. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. In all seriousness, I do actually miss it.

Me too, hence the rant. But I feel better :)

Bitter colin
Used to buy MM Special every year, loved it, amazing the figures you didnt see during your two days there.
Sadly the last few editions of the Special were trash. Still have the old ones. Never knew of the DVD. Stopped buying MM when I discovered the Specials had stopped so the editors lost another customer.
Still visit Euro every year (although last year was a bummer for me, not the show. Love the whole thing about the show, we make it a mini holiday. The travel, the various hotels over the years (slowly getting better) the people the friends, the food then sadly the trip home with only next year to dream about. Super show!
Hey Graham, if you have a camera and time, well your dad runs the stand while you chat, how about a new mag? Your dad was great by the way.

Thanks Don, :)
I would love a mag but my budget I feel would be stretched on my own :)
PF had some great pics last year but it would be great to somehow get the magazine back and I would be interested in participating if others wanted to combine efforts, even if it was sponsorship for publication.
The big question is would MM would let us consider the idea or would they reconsider.
I don't have any idea of publication prices and realise compared to the euro and mm revenue it may be very expensive for us normal folk to even get off the ground.
MM are in the perfect position
Thanks for your kind words, dad will be very humbled :)
Gra, I am sure you re correct about MM having had its day I dont see how they could stop anyone else making a publication on Euro, they are no longer owners.
Off the top of my head, howabout PF hosting a proper photo album of everyones photos instead of the patchwork of individual pictures. I mean something like a seperate Forum or sub forum to post all their photos (even the crap ones which everybody takes) Just to let everyone see what the weekend was about. Would make for an easy place to find peoples efforts and perhaps make people post their photos.
There goes my million dollar idea now its public!
Your Dad should never feel humbled, I didnt get very long at the show last year and he seemed to be doing a sterling job,
What shows will you be at this year mate!


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