As Dr Who returns tonight, i was inspired last night to try a Dalek in digi today. here's where i am after 4 and a bit hrs..... Losta fun to do. getting very in to ZBrush!
I'll have to give it a go. got another pice from the Warhammer universe i am working on. you can see it there too. really begining to love Digital. . I want to get to a point where i could print one.
well i finished one! not very detailed but i just wanted to get it printable. ran it through Nettfab studio and corrected a few leaks. now its printable. i set the scale at 1.12th so it would be 6 inches if printed.
good point Richard!... i dont think i'll print this guy but at least i have completed a model to some degree and played with the Netfabb software. i now feel more comfortable with digital for print offs. now all i need is some cash and a decent sculpt. currently having time out on a wax figure i need to finish. its a nice break for my eyes.