Completed Mikhail Skobelev - aka The White General from Legion Miniatures


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Gets better and better with every update.


Cheers Malc

I called on my saviour aka Pierre to confirm the make of medals

As always he responded with accuracy


No1 St George’s Cross
No2 Yellow metal/light bronze
No3 Silver
No4&5 Light bronze
No6 Silver
No7 Yellow metal
Nrs 8, 9 & 10 Gold
No11 Iron cross with black center & crossbars.

Big thanks again to him ...the fountain of all knowledge

Stay tuned

Hi everyone

Torso is finished ......

Iffy pics but you should get the idea ! ...uniform colour drying still after a slight wash to darken it a touch

Now going to work on the flesh and hair more

All comments very welcome matter what honest ....I can sob quietly in the corner ! .....LOL

Click on pics for larger images

Happy benchtime


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I really like that Kev, there is a sombre almost austere vibe with the way you have painted it, very fitting I think for a Tsarist general.

Cheers Simon
Excellent, Kevin, but I would expect you'd have an "encyclopedia of medals" somewhere on your shelf by now, sheesh!:eek: Ain't that about right, Malc, don'tchya think so, too?:LOL::whistle:

You are clearly mastering this bust work, my friend, looks great;)
Unless tears of joy or pride, no sobbing required!

Excellent piece of work even without a head, congratulations!


Thanks Pierre ..couldn’t have do it without you responding to my constant questions!

Heads coming along nicely

I really like that Kev, there is a sombre almost austere vibe with the way you have painted it, very fitting I think for a Tsarist general.

Cheers Simon

Thank you ....glad you like the vibe !

Top class work Kev!

Cheers appreciate your time ....heads on the way !

Excellent, Kevin, but I would expect you'd have an "encyclopedia of medals" somewhere on your shelf by now, sheesh!:eek: Ain't that about right, Malc, don'tchya think so, too?:LOL::whistle:

You are clearly mastering this bust work, my friend, looks great;)

Thanks Ski ...yes I have 1 or many more on medals ...need more on Russian ones !

Mighty impressive!


Too kind Aris but thank you

Appreciate all the comments and looking forward to seeing more from all your benches

Hi to all

Skobelev is finished ....very quick pic as I am “ burning “ Sunday dinner atm

Will post pics in Completed forum, probably on Monday after fireman have cleared everything up !

Click on for larger image for laughter purposes

Need to sort the top bottom washers on post out

Yes that is a Historex catalogue it’s sitting on

Have fun @ the bench


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