Favorite historical period


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What is your favorite historical period?

  • 1500 - 2005

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1000 - 1500

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 500 - 1000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1 - 500

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 500 BC - AD 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1000 - 500 BC

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
This is a difficult one.
I choose 1000 - 1500 because i have the most wonderfull times with medieval figures.
But the celt's are great to. And sometime's a Napoleontic and yes the last week the 1800 - 1920 are coming in.
I can go on. It is for me the figure that i'm painting, that give's me the interesting period.
Maybe it's because i am still 3 years painting and i cannot say that's my period.
I just love to paint amazing sculpted figures.

Originally posted by megroot@Nov 24 2005, 03:25 PM
It is for me the figure that i'm painting, that give's me the interesting period.
Maybe it's because i am still 3 years painting and i cannot say that's my period.
I just love to paint amazing sculpted figures.

Hello Marc,
I feel the same way and am not locked into any particular period........its all based on the figure and the pose of the figure. I lean toward the Native Americans and The Mountain Men but have to say.........it depends on the figure.
I thought by the subject of the poll it was going to be more specific, i.e. Revolutionary Warr, WW2 etc. It's really difficult to choose that way. This made it easier as all of mine fall within the timeframe I picked.~Gary
I'm a student of all periods in History, but my favorite has to be 500 BC - AD 1, I love the History of Republican Rome.

Roc. :)
I chose 1000 - 1500, however I do paint a variety of subjects from early Greco-Roman period to modern Middle East.
It all depends on what I get inspired by ;)
Looking forward to see the final result of this poll :)
I originally thought the time periods given were too broad. In the end however, I choose the 1500-2005 period because I mostly do 19th Century stuff, but am currently getting into the 18th Century and always enjoyed doing the occaitional WWII subject and the odd Landskneckt.
I chose 1500-2005 because it covers the Napoleonic era! ;) But you could very easily break that time span into at least a dozen different periods! :lol:

Justin :)
Pretty much every modeller fanices themsleves as an amateur historian so this poll isn't surprising! I think the 1500- present day one will win hands down. That periods encompasses soooo much.
I also voted 1500-2005 but my favourite perdiod is WWII and the end of the XIXth century ;)

I guess it's no surprise that 1500-2005 will be the dominant range. I chose it because I focus on English Civil War and Crimea, but these are not hugely popular in modelling terms. It would be useful to break this period down into major periods as we are sure to find 70% of painters will choose 1500-date; a substantial spread! However, I would assume that, like me, the respondents will declare their detailed preferences.