Favorite Model Manufacturers


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Hail El Mick.

I sit here in the caff hung over and admonished I cannot remember this I was pissed.

my keyboard is being fitted with a breathalyser later in the hope I will not do this again.

in the meantime I shall just have to sort out which of these items is a finger and which is a sausage


I don't even care which way up my plate is

Happy Easter to all.

Hello Larry.

Welome to the gang. I'd like to say you're in safe hands but you're not as we will hep you spend your money on things you don't know you need and also teach you how to get it all home without the family noticing. Indeed we're all rascals with a sense of humour.

I think many of the manufacturers I love and the suppliers have been mentioned but here is my list (and I limit it only to ones still in production) of figure and bust manufacturers: Alexandros, Andrea, Atelier Maket, Beneito (some of their latest figures come with resin scenery too), Best Soldiers, CGS, Castle Miniatures, Chronos, FER, Fort Duquesne, Fusilier, Historex, Heroes and Villans, Life miniatures, Mantis Miniatures, Metal Modeles, MMM, Model Cellar, Nuts Planet, Pegaso, Reede Miniatures, Romeo, Tommy's War, Young Miniatures. Scales vary as do periods but they all produce stuff I like,

For flats (limited experience here but I'm trying) I've only used 2D Figurines frun by Brian who is a member here.

As for Armour please don't forget Accurate Armour, AFV Club, Asuka (formerly called Tasca), Bronco, Dragon (much improved since 2005), Hobby Boss, Italeri, Meng, Riich Models, Takom. For details and barrels: Aber, RB Barrels, Jordi Rubio, Lion Roar, Voyager, Verlinden.

Suppliers I use are: Euromodels (here in CH great armour suppliers at fair prices), El Greco (UK), Historex Agents (UK), SK Miniatures. I also buy directly from CGS, MMM, Reede Miniatures and Tommy's War.

In terms of collection there are many ways of structuring this: what you feel like, specifics eras, specific themes e.g archers. This is purely a personal decision for you to make.

Hope this helps just a little.


Hello Larry.

Welome to the gang. I'd like to say you're in safe hands but you're not as we will hep you spend your money on things you don't know you need and also teach you how to get it all home without the family noticing. Indeed we're all rascals with a sense of humour.

I think many of the manufacturers I love and the suppliers have been mentioned but here is my list (and I limit it only to ones still in production) of figure and bust manufacturers: Alexandros, Andrea, Atelier Maket, Beneito (some of their latest figures come with resin scenery too), Best Soldiers, CGS, Castle Miniatures, Chronos, FER, Fort Duquesne, Fusilier, Historex, Heroes and Villans, Life miniatures, Mantis Miniatures, Metal Modeles, MMM, Model Cellar, Nuts Planet, Pegaso, Reede Miniatures, Romeo, Tommy's War, Young Miniatures. Scales vary as do periods but they all produce stuff I like,

For flats (limited experience here but I'm trying) I've only used 2D Figurines frun by Brian who is a member here.

As for Armour please don't forget Accurate Armour, AFV Club, Asuka (formerly called Tasca), Bronco, Dragon (much improved since 2005), Hobby Boss, Italeri, Meng, Riich Models, Takom. For details and barrels: Aber, RB Barrels, Jordi Rubio, Lion Roar, Voyager, Verlinden.

Suppliers I use are: Euromodels (here in CH great armour suppliers at fair prices), El Greco (UK), Historex Agents (UK), SK Miniatures. I also buy directly from CGS, MMM, Reede Miniatures and Tommy's War.

In terms of collection there are many ways of structuring this: what you feel like, specifics eras, specific themes e.g archers. This is purely a personal decision for you to make.

Hope this helps just a little.




Helps a bunch! Thanks. You listed quite a few companies I was not really familiar with..will check them out later after work. On this side of the pond, Michigan Toy Soldier seems to be the vendor with the biggest selection in stock and best service/price. I've ordered from Cool Mini or Not store (good), Ebay - (Good, so far), Warstore (awesome, but more game than figure related), Fantization (not so good). Ordering directly from Europe seems to be a better avenue, in some cases...even with the shipping costs. Direct from manufacturer too. See my comment about scale75 us site vs. direct from Spain..huge markup.
Hi Larry

In terms of quality of casting and variety of subject and value for money it would CGS, Stormtroopers, Young Mins for busts, Nuts Planet, MMM, SK Mins has a great range of figures and busts from his own range. Nocturna, Fer Mins and Hero's & Villans and producing some great stuff and worth checking out.

I terms of pure metal cast kits Metal Models produce some of the best quality pieces on the market but are mainly Napoleonic subjects, I have most of the collection. Pegaso Models have a nice range of figures although I have most of them some of the castings are not as good as the ones for a few years back although they seem to be improving again. Alexandros Models have I nice variety of subjects and castings are ok. Romeo models pretty much the same as Pegaso Models but a bit more expensive. Art Girona new stuff in purple boxes that have really nice castings, some of the older green boxes have a less quality of casting.

There is plenty of other stuff out there including some cracking fantasy and Sci-Fi pieces which would require another best of list to be created.

Maybe because they were sausages (yank) and not bangers (limey).(y)

Nope they were my fingers....but with a dab of ketchup !
Thankfully sausages are still sausages here in the 'Pool mate.
locals only call 'em bangers with mashed potatos...
Bangers and mash.

Now on that other thread .....ask about 'toad in the hole'
If you fancy a giggle. ;) :)

Sober again.

Too old for this shi........

A big thanks to Mick and Tommi for fighting a small corner for CGS, also there is Ellie's miniatures, a quality website and company.
The fine line in not producing rubbish castings cheap, we stay off the map as our product gets return customers, but cheap and cheerful seems to have a following for the sake of a fiver. I personally do not understand this as not everyone can sculpt to rebuild a rubbish cast, and why should you be expected to?

It's not unexpected that Cgs falls off the list but I do doubt any other company, other than Stormtroopers, gives the same quality of product. If anyone gets a bad cast I will ALWAYS cast another.
There is my neck on the block :)
With best wishes and a lot of thanks
To answer the initial question.
CGS. Stormtroopers, MMM, SK Miniatures - I've never seen them do a bad figure - and their service is top notch.
Poste Militaire has always been considered about the best metal castings, and I've never seen anything to take me from the opinion.
Lots of other manufacturers also deserve a mention. Although the bigger they are the more likely it is they've produced a turkey down the years. Andrea Miniataures really did dip about ten years ago. I believe they moved production to China - hardly a byword for quality.

There are lots of people out there doing cracking stuff. I won't name names, as I'll be here all day and probably forget somebody. Overall, I don't reckon the quality has ever been better. You have to struggle to get a poor casting, generally speaking.
Looing at my collection again this morning I have to add to the List Ellie`s Mins have a nice range and are very well cast. Life Miniatures, RP Models and MJ Mins produce some quality pieces. Bonaparte have a wide range of their own figures and busts which are well cast as well as most of the Poste Militaire range. I am sure there are many more that I have not mentioned so apologies if I missed any one.

Hail El Mick.

I sit here in the caff hung over and admonished I cannot remember this I was pissed.

my keyboard is being fitted with a breathalyser later in the hope I will not do this again.

in the meantime I shall just have to sort out which of these items is a finger and which is a sausage

View attachment 236652

I don't even care which way up my plate is

Happy Easter to all.


Oh, dear. You have awoken hanging from the light fittings again. Will you never learn.


As regards favourite companies or manufacturers I have none. The last purchase was my favourite, and no doubt the next from a different company will be the next. :D

If quality, and customer service, is present... That will do me.(y)
