FigureWorld 2017


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Hi Guys

" we'll down a few biccies "

"eat lots of biccies "

Oh life is so unfair ...I won't even see the crumbs ...........

Have a chocolate covered , crunchy , mouth watering biccie eating day ...and enjoy the models ...

See you next year

Yep - good to put more faces to names! A great day today, unfortunately, no pics, due to me forgetting to take my camera (the one on my phone is garbage!)! Hopefully, someone will have obliged, looking forward to the next one!(y)
We're home safe, having had a good journey following a smashing day at Oundle. Great to see folks, and do a bit of catching up. Brian, I hope your Mum is OK and comfortable ; Paul, get the glue out, mate....oh, dear, a complete nause. Still you guys looked as though you enjoyed the picnic:happy: Always good to see older faces, and meet new folks.
Gary, didn't get back to see you before we left...sorry, and hope Sir John becomes a success.;)

Ian, I show you a picture of my heart's desire, and you give me hope ! We can talk again at length:rolleyes:

Go safe out there, boys and girls,
Great to see you all.
HUGE thanks to Adrian and Ruth, Mario, Ian Mc, Thomas n
Tebbsy for organising a great day out.
John, Stu, Rob, Darren, Pete, Martyn, Gordon, Ian, Mick, Steve and Richard for bringing so many tempting morsels to overspend
For my pals, chums and friends, thanks for your company today.
From a 5.15 (false) start, to getting home at 8pm I love this day.
Most of all thanks to Steve (Valiant), for getting me there and back, almost in one piece.
Cheers all.......can we do it again next payday please.

Yes Alan a BIG tube of Glue. !!!
