Czolem Kamil,
sharpening your skills in MS - fine work! Hope to see some good Polish maa - as this year is the 800 anniversary of battle of Zawichost 1205, and the 400 anniversary of Kircholm battle 1605, not to mention Krosno on the Odra River 1015, Mozgawa 1195, Jaroslaw 1245, Wilkomierz 1435, Prussian Homage 1525, Cecora 1595, all the battles of 1655 especially the siege of Czestochowa, death of Stefan Czarniecki 1665, Lwow 1675, campaign of 1945 but especially Kolobrzeg 1945, the last partizan battle of Holiszowo 1945!
you said - 'i have no idea what tool i can use to do that' - (by the way what is your sculpture scale)
well, perhaps you coud use the Clay Shapers (the same company Colour shapers are little softer but also can be used)
this stuff is great and works well on all sorts of epoxy putties and clays especially -
I( being a novice in this field, in my limited range of skills and still learing to scuplt in the small scale) stopped using most of my metal tools and use instead Clay Shapers with Apoxie Sculp and MS, SS, Pemo, Plasteline, air drying clays etc.,eg. they work well with hardest Chavant NSP clays (#9 and 10 on the hardness chart)
the results are outstanding as these tools are made of silicone so they are not stiff but rather like a pencil ereaser but with an incredible precision and sharp edges. In addition nothing sticks to them and they are easy to clean. Also, since they are very smooth then sculpting surface can be smoothed out just as easy, as they leave no marks that cannot be smoothed out with a clay shaper - in short a tool for this art of miniature sculpting.
Duration of these tools - well, I got them 3-4 weeks ago but a friend from the Compleat Sculptor store in NYC has been using them for a couple of years and according to her nothing has changed in their performance.
Perhaps someone else would have some comments about these sculpting (and painting sic!) tools.
best regards