Let me add to all comments that personally I think this is a fantastic miniature!

Superbly made!
Somehow, I dislike a bit the tittle "The world in their hands". Frankly, I hope I won't be misunderstood, but I find it quite pedantic.
The background in the composite image comes from the Movie: "Elisabeth, the Golden Age". But the Armada was defeated.
Sincerely, when I first saw the miniature and the tittle, at first glance (helmet apart) I thought it was a liberal interpretation of Francis Drake: Precisely the foe of the Armada.
As we all know, the Armada was defeated by England. However, my point does not end here: Mat questioned the credibility of him as a Captain.
The Armada's Captains wore much more elaborated costumes. Even under battle: It is unbelievable the number of war artifacts and paints from Spain that arrived to present times.
This figure shows much more informal clothes: Typical of the disembarking campaigns but not the Naval Skirmishes. To represent a ship commander he would most probably be a buccaneer or a pirate, of a much later era when the central america Islands were flooded with thugs fighting for no king but for themselves.
Returning now to the land conquests we can be just as far in the Central America but also, for example, in the conquest of Holland: This was a period of time when Spain tried to conquest the whole world: Tried ... but didn't succeed: That's why I dislike the title: The only thing achieved was the destruction of a civilization in south america and a failed attempt to subjugate all European countries and believes to a very dark fundamentalism: One of the worst periods in the history of Mankind.
Speaking now about references, while they abound, only searching the internet, there is a series of Spanish books, not widely known in English Speaking countries that are highly inspiring: "
Guerreros Y Batallas"
I won't put here images of all available titles, but here is one cover:
And a link to the rest of the series.
http://www.libreria-almena.com/GUERREROS Y BATALLAS.htm
Just like I told in the beginning: I really love the miniature! But I hope I won't be misunderstood ... I really don't like the tittle. Please respect
Salutary divergence is one of the finest pillars of democracy!