Originally posted by kenb@Mar 3 2006, 04:40 PM
hi kevin
A tip that some of the readers may find useful for sculpting a head from stratch is
1. to draw to scale on tracing paper two profiles of head in front and side elevations
2.Then carfully cut these patterns out and glue these to plastic card
6.begin filling out of head using profiles as guide and datum points
this approach will help to ensure that head progress in a balanced way
by drilling then cast off a master head for future use
cheers ken
Gary,Originally posted by garyjd@Mar 3 2006, 05:37 PM
...but there are a few things that could probably improve it markedly. The most important thing are the eyes. I would make them smaller. You may also want to remove a little material from the nose as it looks a little big.
Keep at it.~Gary
Kevin, I have a few dental tools that I use One just comes to a point. The other has two different spatula ends. I also use an X-acto knife that is good for cutting out Sculpey for roughing in folds.~GaryOriginally posted by Kevin D.@Mar 3 2006, 06:14 PM
What tools do you use in getting facial detail?
Kevin D.