Review Frederick the Great -300th Birthday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen


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Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all on PF ,

If you ask anyone with a remote interest in Military leaders to name the best the one that will undoubtably be mentioned is a Prussian leader .........

Its of course "Friedrich der Große"..... or Frederick the Great in 2012 its the 300th anniversary of Fredericks birth and to celebrate this great event who better than Ulrich Puchala from UP Miniaturen to give us a new release in his bust range .

But before we get onto the releaase itself lets all sit down at our schooldesks and have a history lesson on the man himself , a brilliant tactician , soldier, musician amongst other things.

Are we sitting comfortably ..then sit up straight and enjoy ................(y)

Frederick was born 24 January 1712 and reigned from 1740-1786 ,he became known as Frederick the Great (Friedrich der Große) and was nicknamed "Old Fritz" (Der Alte Fritz)

Interested primarily in music and philosophy and not war during his youth, Frederick unsuccessfully attempted to flee from his authoritarian father Willaim with childhood friend Von Katte whose execution he was forced to watch after they had been captured.

Upon ascending to the Prussian throne, he attacked Austria and claimed Silesia during the war with them winning military acclaim for himself and Prussia.

For years he was a friend of Voltaire with whom the king respected and loved to talk with. He modernized the Prussian bureaucracy and civil service and promoted religious tolerance throughout his realm. Frederick patronized the arts and philosophers, and wrote flute music (an instrument he was proficient at playing)

The young Frederick, with the help of his tutor procured for himself a three thousand volume secret library of poetry, Greek and Roman classics, and French philosophy to supplement his official lessons...clearly a man who wanted to learn .

Frederick frequently led his military forces personally and had six horses shot from under him during battle. Frederick is often admired as one of the greatest tactical geniuses of all time, especially for his usage of the oblique order of battle. Even more important were his operational successes, especially preventing the unification of numerically superior opposing armies and being at the right place at the right time to keep enemy armies out of Prussian core territory.

The Austrian co-ruler EmperorJoseph II wrote of him :

"When the King of Prussia speaks on problems connected with the art of war, which he has studied intensively and on which he has read every conceivable book, then everything is taut, solid and uncommonly instructive. There are no circumlocutions, he gives factual and historical proof of the assertions he makes, for he is well versed in history… A genius and a man who talks admirably."

Napoleon looked on him as :

"The greatest tactical genius of all time.

In 1807 Napoleon visited Frederick's tomb in Potsdam and remarked to his officers, "Gentlemen, if this man were still alive I would not be here"

Clausewitz was particularly impressed by :

"The quick and skillful movement and way that he moved his troops on the battlefield" .

Frederick was a gifted musician who played the transverse flute and composed 100 sonatas for the flute as well as four symphonies .

His flute playing was the subject of a painting .

In addition to his native language, German, Frederick spoke French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian; he also understood Latin, ancient and modern Greek, and Hebrew.

Frederick suffered not only from gout, but also he had Graves' disease (a bulging of the eyes) .

He died on 17th August 1786 , Frederick had wished to be buried next to his greyhounds on the vineyard terrace on the side of the corps de logis of Sanssouci. His nephew and successor Frederick William II instead ordered the body to be entombed next to his father in the garrison Church of Potsdam.
On the 205th anniversary of his death, on 17 August 1991, Frederick's again lay in state in the court of honor of Sanssouci, covered by a prussisn flag and escorted by aBundeswehr honour guard . After nightfall, Frederick's body was finally laid to rest on the terrace of the vineyard of Sanssouci, according to his last will without pomp and at night (" Im übrigen will ich, was meine Person anbetrifft, in Sanssouci beigesetzt werden, ohne Prunk, ohne Pomp und bei Nacht...").

Truely a great man and a great leader .

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Lets have the model:

So lets go back in time and join the court with Frederick enjoying his music at Sanssouci :

On opening the box we have :

Subject title: Fredrich II der Grosse

Scale: 1/10th

Parts: 6 (of these 2 are cast in white metal)

Material : Resin

Sculpted by : Ulrich Puchala

Box Art by : Suzanne Piedavent-Zahajko

Reference: Nr 0030

Here is the link about the box art and Suzanne :

The model was receive in a clear cellophane wrapping protecting the main image on the front of a painted piece by Suzanne , I like the way this has been done , very pleasing to the eye.

On opening the box instead of the normal foam chippings the parts were sandwiched between 2 pieces of foam ..good protection from UP there (y)

The parts are cast in 2 types of material the head,torso, hand and base are cast in a gray resin with the remaining 2 pieces being cast in white metal , these being the pigtail(with bow) and the flute itself .

Also included is a comprehensive reference sheet full of colour ...a great aid to the modeller.

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Lets get some resin in view ...beginning with the Torso first :

Frederick is normally seen in a plain coat but this time he has been sculpted in a military style one namely the gala uniform of the Garde regt Nr 15, based on various pictures that were painted of him , the coat is covered in lacework , he wears a star and sash of the black eagle . underwhich he has a waistcoat , the coat itself has a fold down collar .

This really is a triumph of sculpting , the lacework is well defined and it sis possible to see all the swirls and turns ...great stuff , the star is nestled into the left breast of the coat again with fine detail.

The undercuts are again well done in particular the coat edges and the collar , the pressure of the waistcoat pushing on the sash is also shown .

The shoulder details of the aguilettes and strap are well done as well , with all this fine sculpting this is going to paint itself !!!! Just imagine the dark blue with the silver lace , and the red collar and cuffs bright like a beacon .

Clothing folds are as expected very good indeed , sculpted in keeping with the material used for the coat .

There is a nice little bonus on the pedastal base ..the Royal cypher has been put onto it , making this piece something a bit special ...a nice addition there .

Prep work is an absolute minimum with only a 30 second use of the sanding pads needed to clean up some slight casting flashing on the pedastal base ...easy eh .

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Moving now to look at the next piece the head itself:

Sculpting well known people is particularly hard , you need to get it just right , have lots of references , faith in the sculpting and a lot of skill ....has Ulrich pulled this off with Frederick ....................

IMO its a 100% success , the character of Frederick has been captured extremely well . from the slight gauntness in the cheeks to the furrowed brow right down to the nose ..all spot on ,it has the look of the man himself .

He is wearing a well coiffered powdered wig , detailing on this is very good particularly on the side "curls" , around his neck he has a scarf doubt silk , there is a pigtail to fit(more later) with a clear locating hole present making fit easy .

Absolutely no flashing was to be seen with the underside of the neck having 2 locating studs for a perfect fit into the neck area of the torso ...and it is really a great fit ...with no filler being required.

Lets enjoy the work that Ulrich has done on the face .....

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Re: Frederick the Great -300th Birhday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen

Thank you for reminding me about the emperior frederick i forgot all about because i almost started and finish one of least famous figures . I wish someone would do again it is and that is frederick with a group of prussian soldiers during a battle.
Lets now look at the remaining pieces :

Firstly the left hand :

This consists of just the lower cuff and the hand , with a lace ruffle hanging from the lower cuff .

As I expected the lace work on the cuffs matches that on the coat , this together with the hanging cuff lace is a gem ....and the hand itself is sculpted as in the many references I have seen , with fingers long and spindly , well formed with veins all in place (accurate I feel looking at miy hands as I type!!!!) , finger nails are good as well , an area easily overlooked in defintion .

Now to the pigtail :

Cast in white metal as in the period of history its wrapped and ribboned , detailing is great , with fit being good as well positionng into the pre cast hole securely ..make sure it hangs correctly .


Pigtails were mostly worn by those with hair with the hair being woven around a thin staff normally wooden !!!! this was wrapped in a covering , velvet in Fredericks case) which also prevented the pitch used to style the hair from soiling the clothes so it was very stiff and as an added bonus it also offered some protection against sabre cuts (would'nt want to test this out myself!!) (Thanks to Ulrich for this information)

Looking now at the flute itself:

Again cast in white metal , with all details being there , nicely sculpted showing all the characteristics of the instrument .

Finally the base itself:

This one is different to the normal Iron Cross type , its in the shape of the star he wears on his jacket , well defined , with some nice detailing around the top , this together with the cypher on the actual pedastal will give this model another aspect that is quite special.

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Lets now let some pictures talk :

Here we have some of the pieces together to show you just how good it looks , together with a picture of the master and one off the UP website ...just look how well it all fits (y)

Just had an idea you could of course also "bronze" the bust up if you didn't want to paint it fully .




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Hi Guys ,
Finally the thoughts of your scribe .................

This is a wonderful bust that epitomises the character and style of the Old Fritz from top to bottom .

Quality is the best I have seen to date from UP and both the sculptor and the caster are to be congratulated in producing this .

The features are spot on with some really nice details ...especially the lacework on the coat and cuff ...a great way to use NMM on the silver effects .

This is a bust that has done a great job in celebrating the forthcoming anniversary in 2012 so ...................

Lets all raise our glasses and salute both Ulrich for the sculpting and of course the King that left his mark on Prussia ......I give you Frederick the Great ...Der Alte Fritz.

Its my pleasure to recommend this to all those that like this period infact all those that like busts.

UP miniatures contact details : or [email protected]

Price of 39 euro's plus shipping, you are assured of an excellent service from UP

or from Historex Agents in the UK

Very highly recommended , and another interesting subject to review.

Thank you to Ulrich for the review model , it was a pleasure to do this review ......lets have more from this period I say .



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UP Miniaturen hits the front pages !!!!!

Hi Guys ,

Here is the latest news UP's Frederick the 1st is featured on the FRONT cover of the :

2012 Catalogue of Berliner Zinnfiguren

As it the 300th anniversary the magazines looks to have a special on it happy birthday Old Fritz and well done Ulrich ...the bust looks great .



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Re: Frederick the Great -300th Birhday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen

Overall a nice bust but the veins on the back of the hand are overdone. IMHO this looks just terrible. Something that can be cured rather easy though.

Thanks for the excellent and elaborate review, Kevin (y).

Re: Frederick the Great -300th Birhday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen

Dear Mr.Kees
Please have look in mirrow when the hand hold strenged a flute in this way. May you can do another judging.
But its your taste but the historian knows that Fredrik has the illness of gout !
About this background it is terrible indeed :))
Re: Frederick the Great -300th Birhday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen

Hi Johan ,

Thanks for your comments ref the veins , as I said looking at my hands (and I am roughly the same age as Frederick was !!!) they look the same ,,,,,everyone has a different viewpoint of course and as you siad a simple matter to sand them down if you wish , with painting and careful highlighting they will fade back into the hand I feel .

Frederick did have much wrong with him medically , and I am sure that this did not help his hands !!!!! If you look at the ref picture (the one with the wig in black and white) the veins are noticeable even in the etching .

Like you said though , this is easily dealt with .

Thank you for your kind comment on the review ...I welcome all in order to improve the way I present to PF members .

Marc ,
Thanks to you for your comment hope you enjoyed the review.

Happy modelling (y)

Re: Frederick the Great -300th Birhday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen

Dear Mr.Kees
Please have look in mirrow when the hand hold strenged a flute in this way. May you can do another judging.
But its your taste but the historian knows that Fredrik has the illness of gout !
About this background it is terrible indeed :))

Mr. Puchala,

Like I said in my initial post your company delivered a fine piece and it was only the veins that drew my attention as a minor feature that I am not so fond of even if, as you state, this is historicaly correct. I agree that it all might come down to taste, though. So I am convinced that my honest opinion will cause no harm and hope that this bust will be a selling success for your company.

Kind regards

... as I said looking at my hands (and I am roughly the same age as Frederick was !!!) they look the same ...


I also did do the test and did not notice any difference on the vascular system of my hand. I have to admit that I have not reached your blessed age, and, more importantly, the flute I was holding was not filled with champagne yet. I safe that for new year's eve and will look at it again after I have embraced my sweetheart and children and wished them the best for the new year. Hope I still will be in a condition to remember. To be honest, I have my doubts about that... :)

Re: Frederick the Great -300th Birhday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen

You deserve a medal for writing all that.(y)
Excellent review.
Mines on order as a result.:lol:
Only 200 figures to get through first!!:whistle:

Hi Johan ,
I am sure you will have no recollection of holding a flute in the new year ..just enjoying the festivities and the family very best wishes to you all .

Re: Frederick the Great -300th Birhday Anniversary Release from UP Miniaturen

You deserve a medal for writing all that.(y)
Excellent review.
Mines on order as a result.:lol:
Only 200 figures to get through first!!:whistle:


Hi David ,

Glad you liked the review , I look forward to seeing your painting of this ....only 200 eh ........lets just say I hope I can live till I am at least 150 years old .............

Anyway you can't have enough !!!


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