French Officer Orleans Cavalry


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Hello Roc,

I'm painting now a knight (pegaso irish knight) and the face and chainmail are done.
After that i think i gonna do El Cid, or maybe a napoleontic. But i have orderd the Marcomanni from Pegaso.
You see, the choice is difficult.
But i can do an SBS with the knight. There are not so much SBS thesedays on PF, esspecially the SBS of us novice's.
I shall think it over. (y)

Fantastic will have a beautiful figure when you have completed this one. Seeing you do this one make me want to find another one and paint it again. Keep up the super work my friend.
Guy, my friend, thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it.
I would love to see your version of this figure.


Roc. :)
Hi Roc

The standard looks excellent. You must be seeing fleur-de-lis patterns before your eyes after doing this! :lol:

This is going to be one terrific figure when it all comes together. A great shame that nobody has acquired the masters, as, like all Poste Militaire stuff, it is so good.

Awaiting the next instalment :)

Best regards

Hey guys, I started painting the other side of the flag, hopefully by mid week I should be able to post some pictures.


Roc. :)
Hey Guys, just started painting the other side of the flag.

This is the first step, in the second step, I will add highlights and shadows.





Rod :)
Phil thanks it still needs a lot of work, but I’m slowly getting there.
The MFCA show was super, lots of beautiful work on display, I had a great time and as usual, helped the economy out by purchasing lots of kits.
My wife says that I’m out of control and should stop buying new kits and paint what I already have, but what does she know... :lol: :lol:


Roc. :)
lol..........I have told my wife I have 2 hobbies............1 is painting miniatures and the other is collecting miniature kits. :lol: they kinda go hand in hand
Hey Phil

Do you want to understand them....?...... :lol: ...just as long as they understand you...... :lol:

I must be quite lucky, mine just says, its better you are at home, rather than down the pub getting drunk

Women are strange and tough to understand, but you got to love them and we could not live without them.

By the way, what planet are they from? Venus...? :lol:

Roc. :)

PS. I hope my wife dont see this post, if she does I'll be sleeping on the couch for a long time... :(
When mine is making some comments i always say that i never go tho the pub to drink and i never, never go to strange women.
That is enough to keep her a few hours quite :lol:

Now for real: she is glad that i have found a hobby where i can leave all the troubles for daytime work behind.
Listen to music, painting and forget all the things around me. Is that not where a hobby is for.

BTW Rocco,
What else can i say about the flag. AMAZZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNG

Hey Marc , I agree with you, we are all lucky to have such a fulfilling and gratifying hobby to escape to after a nerve wracking day at work.
I think the hobby keeps us healthy mentally and physically, but most important keeps us out of trouble.

By the way I like to listen to the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Rolling stones and when I'm in a classical mood, I listen to Andrea Bocelli.
What do you like to listen to when painting?

Roc. :)

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