Thank you all!
@Wayneb: Painted braids for me. I am going to use this:
as a reference. It's in Italian, but Google translate will manage!

Good luck with yours, sounds really exciting to make them 3D!
As for my mixes the best I can do is to show you my palette and the colors that I used. Unfortunately I didn't keep the actual mixes, BUT I will have to keep all those dry colors until I reach the point to paint the hands, and hopefully I will manage to re-mix them...
The areas inside the different polygons are the main colors. I basically followed the general rule: White + Red + Yellow + a touch of Blue (see this: . As you can see I have two different yellows (ochre and cadmium), two different reds (alizarin and cadmium red), one blue, white and a more brown red like Light Red. Group of colors in the yellow, green and red polygons were for base and light. Colors in blue polygon were the main shadows, based mostly on burnt umber and (if I remember correctly) Light Red. Violet was used mainly for deep shadows, and Green mixed with flesh tones (sorry but the last polygon in black - it's actually more grey-green than the photo shows) was used to touch the beard area. My purpose was to create at least 3 types of flesh. One that was based on red that would go to a more pinkish light (yellow polygon), one that would be more yellow (red polygon) and one that would be based on ochre (green polygon). I try to keep in mind these basic rules for face areas. I don't know if this helps. I myself always search for mixes and asking people to share and I really should start documenting what I do, if not only for me, for people that may ask!
Also it helped me a lot to get into the idea of creating mixes like this, this guy:
And this guy convinced me to use as little main colors as possible, and that's what I tried to do (without having the ultramarine french though):
I didn't use any pure white on the face. Only the most high lights of the above colors. And to tell you the truth the bust started to look like something good only after the lights and the deep shadows were applied. Until then I thought it was a disaster! heh!
I will try and keep things more documented so stay tuned!
Thank you, good luck with yours and sure hope you found the above helpful.