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Hello Matt,

thank you for your suggestions.
I had some trouble focussing due to the overkill of pictures to be seen of Ralph, also the amount of detail and variations in mimic.
The Goethcreature is Ralph ofcourse tuned with some extra kilos, younger and found out to be studied properly on the pictures I included by the database above.
The greytones also help me better to focus and the last update actually shows '5 minutes of altering' the day after.
As a caracaturist it's a drawback for me, hunting for caracteristics automaticly.
Having a good sense for deformation, especially when one's used to skip true proportions gets in my way in this 3d process.
The headsculpt you see is the result of positioning it in front of pictures where ralph is ácting, not pósing.

'1/2 from the brow ridge' I like to now more about it. I tend to sculpt the ears where I see them.

My medium is 'Creall- therm' a softer clay that can easily be smoothened with fingertips in between jobs.
I ordered some buckets of it at a firm for schoolaccesoires.

thanks again for your attention!







Creall-therm, Rene? This is something that I assume fires hard right? At what temperature?
Haven't come across this one yet. Photographs like it's modelling clay....



the brand is called creall therm. Just like Fimo or Sculpey to be baked at 130 degrees c.

the only difference I noticed it smells good and is two times cheaper compared to fimo.
Sold in buckets and really looks like it's supposed to be for children.
What worries me but parental supervision is mentioned on the bucket.
Haaaaai Alex !

long time no ...whatever :)

I'm still grateful for your suggestion at that time regarding volumematters.

today a Dutch modelingfriend suggested he was odd looking without any pupils.
I attached them temporarely and suddenly I could measure things better

still under construction but René much happier ...





rock on with your fabulous work Alex!

its hard to say whats missing now, youve done a great job

I look forward to the rest, perhaps more will show when you get torso on

also i want to mention try holding it in the mirror and looking, you may see something we miss when looking at it straight on

the head on the picture is a bit tilted but I get a good idea of the volume, especially sides of the head on top.
Location of mouth is reasonably fine but to get his typical smirk I need to study the picture.
Position ears needs to be measured.

Today I will buy a somewhat bigger mirror. It's no shame to have checks with it.
Sometimes one is locked on his work, working with a mirror sounds logical to me.


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