Many thanks Bran and Juddo! I’m really enjoying this project so far.
Progress has been made and as promised here’s a run through the process I’ve used.
First up the image I’ve used as reference. I’m no expert on the various patterns or history but this seemed compatible with a lot of the period reference images I’ve looked at.
Under close examination it seems that the black, brown and green are printed over the top of the sand colour leaving an incomplete halo around each shape. I’ve tried using a base of the sand colour but the halo has always looked overdone.
This time I’ve started from the base green (Vallejo Russian Uniform with a touch of Pacific Green) and sketched the outline of the black shapes with the sand colour Vallejo Stone Grey).
With the main element of the pattern roughed in next stage is adding the brown (Vallejo Field Drab, Russian Uniform and Charcoal). I don’t try and copy the reference image here. But instead I use it as a guide for coverage, direction and density. In this large scale I’ve painted many of the individual little streaks. In smaller scales the general shape of a group of streaks is sufficient.
Next I added in our sand shadows for the brown shapes. In smaller scales you can separate the bigger brown blobs into small streaks.
Finally time for the tiger stripes. I’ve used Vallejo Charcoal here, for faded uniforms you could tweak this with either the base or sand colour. I filled in the volumes first and then added streaks either just inside the sand outline or crossing it if I wanted to break the outline.
Happy for any constructive criticism or feedback and obviously can answer any questions.
Cheers, kempie