Help Identifying this figure (probably OOP)


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Does anyone recognize the manufacturer of this figure? It's a 120mm ACW Zouave officer and according to the date I put on the bottom of the base, I painted him up originally in 2005. I always liked the pose so I gave him a good soak in the purple degreasing liquid I use to strip paint off and am in the midst of re-painting .
Great looking sculpt......I'm sure you can beat your paintwork that was done in 2005.....Actually," I" did my best work when I was younger, so with that I say; keep up the good work....;)

I wish you'd have snapped a pic before the dip! Lol. Would be interesting to see the difference in your painting now and then. I've seen it improve much since we met.

Hi Glenn

Great to have you posting , nice looking figure , Mirofsoft link shows 1/12th scale ...plenty of resin to get the details on the kepi and face

Do share the benchtime on this

Happy benchtime

Thanks so much gents! I have no recollection of just where I would have picked up a Warriors kit. Probably from the SCHAMS show in California back in the day. I'll be sure to post the finished project. I keep forgetting to take some "before" pictures so there won't be any reference point to chart progress, but I do think I have picked up a few pointers and tricks over the past 18 years, so it should look a little more "accomplished" than it did.
The story Iheard was that it was producted off of a troiani painting and was told to stop peaking it
Really?! wow, I heard that Trioani has taken some figure sculptors to task over supposed copyright violation, but I didn't know this was one of those figures. I suppose that makes it collectable?
Always fascinated me that anyone could consider litigation regarding 3D modelling of any 'historical' 2D image.
Reason being to my simple way of looking at things, historical uniforms and equipment are a given and there are only so many ways the human body can move.
Either way it looks like the Hamilton family will have to relocate ;)
We tried that, remember? Worked out really well, except for the Glaswegian students making fun of my accent. Can you imagine?! I think I could understand them now, but that's only after watching all the episodes of "Still Game" on Netflix.

I never noticed you had an accent...
