WIP Historex project: Frankfurt Voltigeur Officer; Spain 1810


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Feb 2, 2023
United States

New to the forum.

Previous modeling experience is limited to two Historex foot figures built in 2006. Life got in the way (kicked my butt, actually).

Back now, having kept my kits/tools/paints.

Building this figure from spare parts and based on this Knotel plate.

Thanks for looking.

Welcome, I too have some Historex kits waiting to be done. They remind me of my youth when I started sewrious modelling in the early 70s.

If you don't have this book, it's well worth searching out: "Napoleonic Plastic Figure Modelling: Bill Ottinger's Historex Masterclass" (by Bill Ottinger)
Welcome and it is good to see that there are still Historex fans out there. I would echo Nigel’s comment about Bill Ottinger’s book. It is a great reference from a real gentlemen. I always look forward to see him at the Chicago Show every year. Bon chance!
The great thing about Historex is that the component parts of their figures are available separately as spares. Very useful for kitbashing and conversions.
Thanks for the welcome, everyone.

I do have Mr. Ottinger’s book. I must have read it cover to cover at least 20 times over the years. Love it. My favorite work is his 20th Chasseur Trumpeter. I’ve managed to identify/collect every piece he used in the figure in hopes of creating my own version - some day.

I’ll have an update on the Frankfurt officer posted by week’s end.
Update #1

Legs: I cleaned and undercut to enhance details around the ankles/feet. I carved soles for both shoes. I scraped down the trousers around the ankles so that they are closer in scale thickness. I also scribed trouser seams.

Right arm: This is actually an Airfix arm. It was too thick, so I carved it down to match the Historex left arm. I then added folds. I then scribed in the back seam of the uniform sleeve and carved in the cuff. I closed down the grip to better fit the pistol. I replaced the pistol barrel with brass tube. The arm is not yet attached. I have it tacked in place for the photos.

Left arm: I repositioned the hand at the wrist. I scribed in the seam on the back of the sleeve and then carved in the cuff. I trimmed off the shoulder and pinned the arm to the torso in the new position. I will need to sculpt a new shoulder.

Torso: I undercut the entire torso and the coat tails to bring out as much detail as possible. I also scribed new seams. The coat tails did not fit well. They are glued in place, and I will need to carve in/scribe additional details after the glue has cured.

Head: This is the Historex “singing” head. I thought it too thick, so I reduced the cheeks and removed the sideburns so that I can sculpt chin scales. I also scribed in the piping on the collar.

Shako: I undercut the Shako for some added depth/detail. I will add the tie string in the final stages. I will sculpt chin scales.

Photos below.

A376DE21-D192-4F52-8A96-DACC259C1B8C.jpeg EC221D8F-94A5-4C48-8C97-A32CDAA7F258.jpeg 65E8BD6D-5A93-4129-9A09-FA044C956032.jpeg D0F61AD5-A91A-4E33-B7D0-E79D1AE780DD.jpeg
Totally love it.i work with Historex often and i just love the potential it offers to the modeller.Will follow your work with interest.

Great job, interesting subject.
I have used a lot of Historex spares in my conversions but never yet made an entire figure, even though I have quite a few in the stash.
I WILL get around to it one day .
Historex animation is a bit wooden and the hands are very poor but the subtlety of the modelling is mostly exquisite, and the conversion potential is infinite.To think these moulds are at least fifty years old...
Looking forward to the painting.
Hi Robert

Great project using a fine resource in Historex parts , are you changing the hands ?

Very colourful uniform as well

Good updates

Looking forward to seeing more

Happy benchtime

Thanks for the encouragement. :)

@Nap… not changing the hands on this one. The right arm holding the pistol is an Airfix part. I was able to carve it down to the size and diameter of a Historex arm. I then added the folds back in. I thought the hand good enough, and I was able to wrap it around the pistol convincingly.

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