Steve Ettinger
Well-Known Member
Minor details left for Officer of 3rd Hussars , and a Superior Officer 5th Currasiers. The on to my last WIP, so I can compose and build something more ambitious from the spares bin.
Thanks for the feedback gentlemen,. Huy was right about the Cuirassier helmet hair needing to be longer so I melted some sprue into a ribbon shape, sliced it,glued it on , trimmed it with fingernail clippers and I think it turned out much better looking.
High praise indeed, thank you Hue and Andrew. I did indeed purchase every one of the Historex catalogs as they were released over the years , and I have looked thru them so many times they are a liitle worse for wear. I still remember my first kit a Polish Lancer of the Vistula. It was an outragous price. In 1975 $7.99 .
Brilliant, Steve, lovely work. It makes me feel slightly guilty, what with the Historex spares I've got lurking in dark corners........
Well done, you.
You flatter me, Huw, you silver-tongued devil. I have that many ideas on the go at present, I'm in danger of sensory overload. I have to calm down, and take another pill! Actually, I shall be utilising some Historex stuff in one dio, and quite likely,in another. Beefing up the nags is always a fun job........not ! I really must try a couple of the Eisenbach horses, for variety.
Cheers, boyo,