WIP Critique Horse studies. 54mm horse conversions


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Something like this?
I did this one a couple of years ago for the failed Borodino dio. It's built of one Historex half and two quarters Frankenstiened together.The legs were set so none of the hooves appeared to be grounded. I only put thin wedges in the top of the hind quarters. The underside was gently heated and pressed down. The ground side of the saddle was sanded to sit flat. Mane and tail are Magic Sculpt.

Electronics. That explains a lot :sneaky: I only ever really have to deal with inductance... I usually work high voltage, 600v at the low end, 4160v and 27.6kv at the top end. Electronics is a magical mystery to me... but then again, at the end of the day, I'm mostly a pipe bender... running big conduit (2'' 3'' 4'' 6'') installing HV switchgear and big cable is when I'm happiest. It's the perfect mix of artistry and brutishness. Any wonder I'm such a broken mess.

Hi Colin,
The pose of horse I would want to try and achieve would be.....if you turned that 90deg, so the saddle is facing towards the sky and it's legs sort of tucked under it, if that makes sense. It's the leg positions and how this would impact on the body I need to try and get my head around. Thanks for the example mate, that could a second contingency.(y)
Used to manufacture HV test kit too, to 33KV in a previous life! oh were have the years gone;).
Richie - formerly electrocuted but never a conduit basher:)
Like this Richie?
big_0_crbst_e8.jpg http://www.historex.com/crbst_14.html

Ron, I still have that horse and the other I made for that diorama. I misspoke, the dio didn't fail... I gave up :sorry: I don't know why, the drive just withered.
BUT! I've redeployed the figs and horses I started for that into a new and grander endeavour... the aim of this thread in fact. I'm not ready to spill but suffice it to say it will be cavalry "heavy" with some unfortunate French infantry on the wrong side of the sword ;):sneaky:

Hi Colin,
That's pretty damn close mate, except mine will be a 120mm in scale. The thing that phases me are the initial cuts, once I get head around this and where I need to cut, I will jump in. Thing is, I keep looking periodically and putting it down, may be I'm just not totally committed yet! The horse would be altered from an initial stand pose. Keep these horse modification going for your project and posting as it's giving me some food for thought and inspiration mate.(y)

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