WIP Critique Horse studies. 54mm horse conversions


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Ivo, I do love the Eisenbach horses. I've seen the great results that you and some others have gotten using them. I will definitely be using them very soon. Right now I'm just practicing working at reposing horses, changing the legs and heads, sculpting the musculature etc. I've never really done it before and REALLY need to practice. I had a bunch of Historex horse parts and last year I bought a dozen Airfix kits for $5 each so I figured they'd be good for practice because they are super cheap and if I screw up it's not a big loss money-wise... I'm pretty cheap:sneaky:

Thanx Pedro, it's been kinda fun chopping up the horsies and trying to put them back together. If you have some plastic horse pieces, give it a shot... what have you got to loose ;)

Thanx Brad, I agree, the grounded leg is jut too straight up and down... just a little tweak should make a huge difference. Of course, the other front leg will have to adjusted to suit. As for the cloud... there's always one following me around... why not the horse too. And yes, I meant that exactly like it sounds :hungover::ROFLMAO:

Hopefully I'll get some work done on them tonight... the Stanley Cup playoffs really distract me from the workbench :sorry:


great Colin,

I agree with you about the practice, do it with historex and Airfix horses are absolutely cheaper than with Eisembach or other brand horses.

Airfix selection isn't so large, historex is better but not really easy to be modified for same pose.

anyway, pay attention to the comparison between the pictures and the plastic horses . an incorrect leg change completely the attitude.

here attached an example of historex modified horses
coraz Waterloo086.jpg
In Bill Horan's masterclass book he has a section on modifying Historex horse's for a diorama of the 16th Lancers. What I do like about the plastic horse's light weight is they lend themselves to really extreme action poses.

First I have to make them right before I get too fancy.

Hi Colin and all,

This is a very nice and interesting thread for me. I share with you a page taken from an old book "Modelling Miniature Figures" by Bruce Quarrie, PSL, which is on modelling Airfix plastic horses.

Rgds Victor

Thanks Ian and Chip
I feel much better about this one now. The advice was spot on.
Next, I want to try one falling ass over teakettle or else one slewing as it's violently reined up.
Both will involve heavily rotating the hindquarters and severe twisting of the neck and head.

Watts up with you, have you got your wires crossed.
I thought that you had blown a fuse. Shocking!!!
Sorry crazy old bloke humour.

Ohm my god, what a shock this is, such resistance and a dyer drive to interfere, this seems to be the current flow on here. Watt is going on?
Colin you, having a recharge and break has made this more positive than negative, in spike of some of the other comments. By the way did you use any sort of armature?
It's just the frequency of these comments that are discharged and this is one element I cannot agree on with such reluctance.
I will be on your side here as a resistor to these. You stay grounded my friend as your magnetism always shines through.
If any more of these unjust comments come through, I will be the rectifier and if I cannot deal with them I will ask for a regulator and relay this back to you.
I think things have been amplified enough for now and I seem to be the growler. The way I'm going I'll have a blackout or at least blow a fuse, so I'm going to short circuit someone else's thread.

By the way the horse looks great;)
Ohm my god, what a shock this is, such resistance and a dyer drive to interfere, this seems to be the current flow on here. Watt is going on?
Colin you, having a recharge and break has made this more positive than negative, in spike of some of the other comments. By the way did you use any sort of armature?
It's just the frequency of these comments that are discharged and this is one element I cannot agree on with such reluctance.
I will be on your side here as a resistor to these. You stay grounded my friend as your magnetism always shines through.
If any more of these unjust comments come through, I will be the rectifier and if I cannot deal with them I will ask for a regulator and relay this back to you.
I think things have been amplified enough for now and I seem to be the growler. The way I'm going I'll have a blackout or at least blow a fuse, so I'm going to short circuit someone else's thread.

By the way the horse looks great;)


Excellent. I'm so pleased to see I'm not the only PF who needs help!!!


Bravo Richie bravo
You must have dug up your old high school physics text books. You missed inductance and impedance


Hiya Mate,
Too many years spent in electronics, must be getting rusty, it took me 15 mins to work that lot in:D . I must say I'm really enjoying this thread, I have an idea I would like to do in large scale, but it would mean some major surgery. I would want it laying down and a trooper firing over the saddle. As yet I have not worked out the mechanics for the horse.
So all this horse doctoring it very useful.(y)