A Fixture
Well done Terry, a very good result I'd say 
Hi everyone just an update on where I am with the large scale flag issue, I tried using Green Stuff (yellow and blue strip type) but I found it difficult to work with and ended up with a flexible item when it was dry, I didn't like this (probably something to do with the way I mixed it and worked it) so I tried to use thin plastic card, I accurately marked the shape of the pennant onto the card and cut it with a scalpel and got an acceptable looking result.
The task ahead was to bend the this into shape so I firstly dipped it in boiling water which didn't work so I microwaved it (my wife thinks I am nuts) and this didn't work either so the only thing I gained from the plastic card was a good template to try things with so back to the drawing board.
Steve had posted that you could get thin foil from Mustard and Tomato puree tubes and he was spot on so I got myself a tube of Tesco tomato puree for .45p and squirted the contents into the kitchen sink (once again my wife thinks I am nuts) and ended up with something that I reckoned had a good chance of working however I had ordered a thin sheet of .30mm thick brass shim of Amazon and when it arrived I decided to give that a go first.
Using the same measurements that I had used to produce the Plastic card pennant/template I marked these onto the brass shim and carefully cut it out with scissors, this worked a treat so I then used emery paper to remove sharp edges and tidy up the general shape.
The next stage was to bend this into the desired shape so I started by curling the 4 tabs around the shaft of the lance and once I was happy with these I then bent the brass pennant into a rough shape using my fingers followed by smoothing the folds into nicer curves with different thicknesses of paint brush handles until I got the result that I was happy with.
The good thing about using this system is that you can bend the brass folds in and out a little and correct things that don't look just right and you end up with a rigid pennant that will not bend during painting, unfortunately the draw back is that because of its rigidity I could not bend the brass into the exact shape that I had originally planned which was a pennant hanging down with the tail ends wrapping around shaft of the lance and instead I had to settle for the pennant blowing in the wind but I have accepted this by telling myself it will be easier to paint.
The next step will be to secure the pennant to the lance and after that I will use Milliput to fill the joins where the tabs meet the body of the pennant, then it will be down to undercoating and painting and hopefully the use of brass wont cause any problems at this stage.
I will let you know how it goes.