My first bust arrived this week, it is 1/12 JMD Miniatures SIKH 1914 and i want to fix this to the wood base with a brass tube.
What i need to know is what is the diameter that i should use and where i can find it.
this is a great little bust.
You should be able to get brass tube or rod from any model shop specialising in radio controlled models. As to diameter maybe 6mm you don't want to go too big on this size of bust. Use a 6mm drill bit on the base and an 8mm drill bit on the bust, pack hole with a little milliput this give you a little more space to adjust viewing angle.
Hope this helps.
o tubo de latão (cobre,metal) com esse diametro é díficil de arranjar nas lojas de hobby.
Eu compro ao metro em lojas de ferragens, depois é cortar à medida furar a base e o busto com a dremmel e voilá
Se fores de Lisboa posso indicar-te a loja onde compro.