Actually, Adrian, there has been discussion about how he got his guns. And the issue of the flag flying at the state capital was reported before the murders took place. It was seized upon in the wake of the murders, as a root cause. Unfortunately, this monster long ago embarked on a track that was bound to end in violence against innocents. I'm waiting to hear more about his parents and their role in his upbringing. For one thing, I'd like to know how he dropped out of school in the 9th grade, which is around 15 years old for us, and nothing appears to have happened to him. In some communities, the local authorities are charging the parents for their kids' truancy, and throwing them in jail.
As far as how he got his guns is concerned, he acquired them illegally, so no amount of laws limiting ownership would have prevented him from getting them. As far as concealed-carry use goes, there have been studies that show an inverse relationship between the number of concealed-carry permits in a community and the frequency of criminal acts. Criminals are no dummies, and they go where they think they can get in and get out with as little fuss as possible. And again, they tend to acquire their weapons illegally, so again, passing new laws restricting gun ownership is not likely to have much impact on them.
And I disagree with your premise that just because I'm an American and you're not, that we are bound to disagree. I bet there are plenty of folks in the UK who wish they could defend themselves, too.