I can not be the only one.


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Nov 16, 2003
Stockholm (Venice of the North)
Hello Figureteers!

Havent been posting much lately but here goes.

I like going to shows. I like to meet other modellers. I do like shopping actually doing most of my shopping at shows as I like to support traders thus financing the show. And I really like seeing all the entrants live with my own eyes.

But the last thing becomes harder and harder to do at larger shows. The latest being SMC. And its because people are camping certain places in the display rows.

Most common are the self entitled photographeres who take +5 pictures of about 90% of the entrants displayed. Looking how the picture turned out between every new one. But there are others just standing there talking or texting without even looking at the models? And the occasional photographer who must squeeze in to take photos ignoring others waiting to get their turn to look.

I think its time organizers do something about this. Id suggest having 1-2 hours each day when photos is not allowed as I think this would generate a better flow for us that want to see the models. Perhaps having lines in only in one direction?

Are you with me in this or am I just too grumpy?

Jan Nilsson
Dear Grumpy ;) I'm with you entirely. :D

I can understand why people would like to take a photo, but the ease of digital media mean people often do not 'experience' life except through a lens/screen which is a shame. (Although obviously if anyone wants a photo or two who am I to say they shouldn't?)
I rather like the idea of a photo free time, but think it would be problematic to enforce - there again we're all pretty nice people so perhaps just saying that it's a 'photo free' time would be enough?
Well I've got to agree with you there Jan. Also at the SMC it was quite hard to get a close look with the camera tripods and front row hoggers in the way. However the wife and I had to laugh when the rather large chap in front of us obviously camped there for his lunch opened up a box and proceeded to munch his way through a sandwich:wtf:. I'd be more inclined to say its wilful ignorance and downright bad manners - but then again I'd be a grumpy too :p.
I see people holding ipads over first row of figures trying to take close ups of figures on the back row. Imagine what will happen if that ipad crashes on figures below !
seriously, figures should be kept behind glass vitrines at shows because people have no manner ! and let's not talk about people (not the judges) who hold the figures, move them while it is written everywhere 'please, do not touch' !
Jan has raised a salient point, and having witnessed much of this over the years (and noticed the 4-5 deep crowd at SMC in the photos !) I have to agree that some sort of control has been long needed. It's especially frustrating when one is as vertically challenged as me;). In the past ,I've raised my voice ever so slightly with a firm "Excuse me " in English, French and Italian.....usually works when folk look round, then down, at this Hobbit glaring through his specs at them :D Sharp elbows might help !:LOL:
Yes, perhaps a 'one way round' system might work, but I like the idea of sealed cases/vitrines, viewable from all four sides. Of course, this means extra expense and organisation for societies putting on these marvellous shows for our benefit.

And you forgot the ninja turtles
ninja turtle.jpg

I totally agree with you it's up to the organisers to deal with people are who just being downright rude and being inconsiderate of other attendees. It's constructive criticism they require.

But there are others just standing there talking or texting without even looking at the models?

Comment like this will only look like a whinge. Most people are reasonable if you say excuse me they will move. If you just get upset about it and don't say anything. How are they at fault. If you bump into somebody at a model you were bypassing of course you are going to chat. I would but I also would be mindful of where I am standing.
Alan - sharp elbows just don't cut it anymore, take something a bit shaper. A 6' chimp usually works with a verse or two of Anglo Saxon:D
View attachment 326391

:LOL: Aye,Richie, that'll do...just up my street! (If it's a miracle, Colour Sergeant, it's a short chamber, Boxer Henry 45 calibre miracle. ........."And a bayonet, sir, with some guts behind it ")

omg John

I suggest using some electrified wire on the border of tables and installing some kind of swivel axes which will cut any protruding limb trying to get too close to the figures :)

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