Internet As A Source?


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How important is the internet for you as a source for researches at historical figures?

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As the kids in my class say "what is a book?"
I can understand using the books if you already have them, but I think if you cross referenced a few credible websites you would get the correct answer without having to purchase more books. But I also understand the joy of flipping through a book.
Good topic Martin.
I use my own reference books and the internet in equal measure. Books like the internet can contain errors it's really a case of deciding what/who are reliable sources and also comparing information from more than one source is important.

For the most part I use books!... Fortunately my Brother is an area manager for, 'Libraries', in 'Yorkshire', so he can whip whatever books I need, in the post! I get my info! and bang them back to him.... But I still use the internet as well.

I think there should be more options in the poll, or the options should be wider (or less qualified - leaving each person to specify why they use it as much or as little as they do). I'm sort of 2 blended with 3.

Much of the information on the Internet is unreliable, and unfortunately it's impossible to tell what is or isn't. To be fair though, this is also true of traditionally-published information. An easy example here would be the Ospreys since they're so common and there are so many of them; these of course vary a lot in the quality of the scholarship from title to title, but even within the one volume you can get established facts commingled with the author's opinion without any distinction being made. This is a perennial problem that all researchers face, hence the advice to do as much primary research as possible.

My opinion:

I think, there is no medium in which mistakes are "reproduced" as fast as the Internet.

Though, therefore, the Internet for me is an important medium, indeed, only to the verification of statements in other sources.

If I must count on the Internet alone, only when it concerns a side which I estimate as absolutely trustworthy (museum etc.) or I get from another (Internet-) source a confirmation which is not based on a bare takeover of statements from another site.
Because my range of intests in subjects varies so much, the internet is me main source. I do have my favorite subjects that I do purchase books for though
I sold all my reference books when I retired to the DR and now use the internet for reference. The printed paper book was nice to hold but I can still do that as I have an Ipad and an extensive collection of Ebooks (fiction and reference) and that works for me
Great subject Martin,
I fear that there is no finite answer. For me; I have a good number of books for the subjects that I make and paint but I always cross reference on the internet.
I have used Museums to verify some uniform and equipment details where they have said, "If you find the answer please let us know". So in my view; Books, the Internet and Museums are all falible and we need to draw the best conclusion from all available sources.
I have a monster Napoleonic library collected over many years and refer to that for Nappies. But now that I am getting interested in other eras there is no way I have the money, patience of life span to acquire similar libraries so the internet it is.

I went with option 2 as that was the best choice for me. I do not 'only' use the internet to verify what is in my library, but rather to supplement and search for material not in my books at hand. I am a voracious reader and like books in of themselves. Books for me are another hobby.

I use the internet but I take it with a grain of salt. When doing research for a MKIII Enfield rifle I came across a lot of photos that were mislabeled.
I had to do even more research just to figure out what changes were made to the rifle and when.
Books are great if the info in them is correct. A lot of time they are usually just an over view and don't go into the detail I need.
Dimensions, textures, real colors etc.
I have a monster Napoleonic library collected over many years and refer to that for Nappies. But now that I am getting interested in other eras there is no way I have the money, patience of life span to acquire similar libraries so the internet it is.

Absolutely spot on. Thing is, the internet is a poor substitue though.
Strange thing to notice is that when it comes to aircraft there are thousands and thousands of webplaces available. When it comes to figures the web is still to present times sparse and erratic.

There is an important difference between what you surf on the web and what is printed: It is the Editor role. On the web, every guy can place whatever he wants and the result as a truth can be seriously compromised. Printed stuff normally passes through the magnifying glass of someone before ... printing! :) Sure printed stuff can also contain mistakes, but things tend to be minimized and due to the profit nature of printed stuff that also requires investment and debt management we can always expect "a value for money" from what's printed out there. When it comes to the web, most of the times it is simply enthusiasm that drives someone to place what he knows for free. Even worse when it comes to artwork: A heck of a work for no cash is a hard job to tackle, as the bills keep coming every month.

But :) there are exceptions! Take the modern world for example. Sites like "" are so overcrowded with digital photos that they represent a highly asset when it comes to contemporary subjects. When it comes to historical times, long before the invention of the digicam, it is hard to find something outstanding and trustable on the web. But when it comes to modern days, it is easy to find 10000 high quality images (and many too took with point and shoot cameras of the soldiers in mission) that will only require careful analysis of the viewer to correctly interpret what he is seeing.

Both media complement themselves quite good! The invention of Tim Berners Lee also has a major advantage! It's a place like this "gentlement, can you please help me out here, I would like to know if the embroideries decorating the uniforms of Napoleon Generals had standard patterns or if they were tailored independently for each personality, thanks!"

And you know the rest of the story! :)
Interesting point Martin.

I love a good expert's book, but with the broad onterest I have it would not only be prohibitively expensive to do my research/checks via books, it will also require a lot of weight on a lot of shelves, something which I try to avoid more and more after having moved house a couple of times. It seems that the better the book, the heavier it is!
And then, even with good books, I often run into questions that the book cannot answer. Like 'how does the INSIDE of the hat look?".

So in practice I use the net more and more and more. Yes, the average quality of the information is reduced, but the volume of accessible info is so much greater that I usually find what I am looking for. Of course one needs to be critical and double check information, but books definitely are not without fault as was pointed out already.

Another major advantage of the net in my opinion, are discussion forums, such as PF. On a forum you can ask a targeted question, and in many cases the question will be answered in a couple of days. This interaction is a unique advantage of the net that I enjoy a lot.

Because of my fondness of digital searches, I now have a growing collection of reference images (that I can also use to answer someone else's questions on forums).

So, given the limited set of option, I went for option 1.

I particularly love books
but not only for their contains; also for their look, for their wheight, the quality of the paper, the rareness, the smell of inks, the place they take on the shelves....
They are so many books that I can not afford to buy them.. so good ineternet.. so full of anything and so full of crap..
It's almost an art to refine a search to get to what you want
So tips from other about good site is always welcomed .
For example this book is uneasy to find and you must be a Euromoillionaire if you find one
I try then to collect links ( and by the way begin to add them on the adress file
If you have such links let's then everybody make his profit of it

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