[Investigation]Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495


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Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

Ok guys, thanks for your responses and comments.

It seems clear by now that the figure on sale at the (legitimate) company Peddinghaus is 95% based on an S&T figure, with only minor modifications. What we do not know for sure is whether this qualifies Peddinghaus as an illegal re-caster. There may well be a legit reason why they carry these figures. I consider the odds are against this, but let us not jump to conclusions and give this otherwise proven company a chance.

I'll try and contact the company, confront them with my doubts and post the result here.

Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

Thats an S&T figure, and I seriously doubt that the copyright was sold by S&T to this Paddinghaus company. S&T have only temporarily ceased production due to health reasons by the owner. As far as I know S&T will resume business as soon as possible, as such wouldn't make sense that S&T would sell their masters.

Gordy, try to contact Jim Sullivan instead, the proprietor of S&T.
Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

Hi all, well what an interesting thread. as a fairly new figure modeller I'll add my 2cents. Firstly, when I started doing figures (I am an armour nut) I bought some bust's off E-bay not knowing their origin etc etc, it was only later when at a show and discussing figures with a fellow figure painter I was enlightened on the products of recasters (thieves). So apart from the one bust I had already painted all the rest went in the bin, the reason for this is I have a friend who sculpts and sells his work (AC Models) and I know that most of these guy's are small operations and only make modest returns. I now try to ensure I buy genuine figures as I'd rather pay a little more to support our hobby.
Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

ach Ulrich
ich antwortet jetzt mal auf deutsch
ich werde jetzt mal den herrn peddinghaus anschreiben und ihn kenntnis davon geben,was hier gerade bezüglich seiner verkauften produkte abgeht
das soll er sich mal ansehen und dann stellung nehmen.
sollte deine anschuldigung nicht zutreffen wirst du ja als AUFRECHTER character dazu AUFRICHTIG stellung beziehen können.
schließlich bist du ja einer von denen die im rudel eine aufrechte und namhafte deutsche firma hier mit der beschuldiguing konfrontieren raubkopierte figuren zu vertreiben.OHNE DIES BEWEISEN ZU KÖNNEN.man sollte auch wenn man die moral gepachtet hat,trotzdem davon ausgehen daß auch andere nicht aus der gosse kommen und einen rest menschlcihen anstand besitzen.jedoch übersieht man im eifer der entrüstung oft diese feine demarkationslinie zwischen anmassung und respektlosigkeit,.die ahst du hier eindeutig übertreten.was ich dir persönlich übelnehme.ich lasse mir nicht von einem wichtigtuer aus dem netz eine unmoralische lebenseinstellung unterstellen.
zudem sollte man nicht rufmord betreiben,denn das netz ist ja viel weniger anonym als man denken könnte.da gibt es leute die anhand der IP adresse jeden am gemächt aus dem dunkel zerren,gerade wenn man FIRMEN verleumdet.
du brauchst dir ja keine sorgen machen nicht wahr.denn du hast ja BEWEISE das hier mit raubkopien gehandelt wird???oder sind es am ende doch nur SPEKULATIONEN?
die deustchen firmen sind ja teilweise sehr empfindlich bei sowas
in dem sinne
verbleibe ich mit dem ausdrücklichen ausdruck meiner geringschätzung
Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

hello all
before here an wild rampage is coming aloose
i will conatact the company Peddinghaus on ebay and advise them to look at this thread.i see Ferris will do it too but well zwotimes are never an failure why not.
then they can take an position to this case.
again i want express
that its an german company of reknown and i once heard in america all people are called innocent as long their guilt has not been prooven.
so this should go here as well.
i answered an very overmoralic german fellow in german in the same style.again i state that i bought it and when i did not even had an idea if its an old one once released before.i bought an an reknown german company alone becauise of this I HARDLY DOUBT that such an company would sell illegal copies.oncemore because the have an worldwide service for excellent decals.and where long time releasers of 1:35 modells as figures.
so everybody should calm down an little and not poor prejeduce and overstirring moralic phrases toward people which did buy an figure not more.
at moment all is wild specualtions noone has so far sure informations if the owner which hold the rights did not sell them.only because an company has its stuff casted cheaply without any package does not PROOVE they must be not ok
thats all
to by dear Ullrich is wrote my feeling in german already
Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495


In Deutsch und auf Englisch

That will be my last response for you, Markus. You haven´t understand the discussion here. You wrote that is is no matter for you if you buy "re-caster"-Figures or originals. And that is something I will never understand or support. I have brought one time over ebay a "re-caster" white metal figure and I have given it to a friend that he could use it to make flat figures for his line out of it. That is my way with "re-caster". I would never buy them and if it happens I will delete them. But that is my opinion. And the opinion of the most here.

And about "Presumption" and "Disrespect" I think you know better what that is as me.

And about "Peddinghaus". If you know so much about the firm you must know where they are and if you had a look in my profile you will see where I live and I know "Peddinghaus" because it is in my neighbor town. BTW I have never said in my threads that "Peddinghaus" is a re-caster. So please be careful with your allegations. I have always said that I can´t understand guys who buys "re-caster"-figures.

So first read, then thinking and write. OK??

Das ist meine letzte Antwort hier auf Deine Beiträge, Markus. Du verstehst diese Diskussion wirklich nicht oder???. Du hattest geschrieben, dass es dir egal ist ob du "Re-Caster" oder Originalfiguren kaufst. Und das verstehe ich nicht und werde es auch nie befürworten. Ich habe einmal über ebay eine "nachgegossene" Figur gekauft und sie einem Freund zum Einschmelzen gegeben. Das ist meine Art damit umzugehen. Entweder nicht kaufen oder zerstören. Das ist meine Meinung und bis auf deine Beiträge, die Meinung der anderen hier

Und nur kurz zu Deinen anderen Anschuldigungen, das muss Du ja am Besten wissen.

Noch ein Wort zu Peddinghaus. Die "Firma" hat ihr "Geschäft" in Form einer Garage (zumindest vor zwei Jahren) in meiner Nachbarschaft und ich habe dort, als es noch ein offizielles Ladengeschäft gab, öfter eingekauft. Ich habe hier nie geschrieben, dass Peddinghaus ein "Re-Caster" ist. Also Vorsicht mit Deinen Anschuldigungen. Ich kann absolut nicht nachvollziehen, wie man in unserer Szene wissentlich "Re-Caster"-Figuren kaufen kann.

Also erst lesen, dann nachdenken und anschliessend schreiben

Re: Peddinghaus - Recasts

Hi everybody!
I do not want to go into the well known debate about moral issues - just facts:
- I personally know the person who made the master of that knock-off and it is correct that the original figure was issued with a second K98-rifle.
- I own one original casting of this miniature by S&T and all parts are cast in resin. There was never any part cast in white metal within the S&T-Line as far as I know and I own almost the complete line of 1/16-Miniatures. Second head and helmet of the figure were made as separate parts in the original cast.
-If parts are obviously missing I strongly doubt that Mr. Peddinghaus aquired the original moukds and decided to leave some parts out for his own production
-This manufacturer has offered in the past several knock-offs of kits that sold well. For example Gunze-Figures sculpted by Mr Hirano were sold as recasts in white metal as single figures (The originals were resin casts and sold as packs of three).

As said I do not want to repeat things brought up about moral issues but I feel that there is an (-oh well: moral) obligation for every reviewer of a kit that he should make sure that he is reviewing an original and not a knock-off, because by doing this he is advertising the product reviewed and otherwise helps the recaster to make some extra money while breaking the law.
As a German Police Officer I know what I am talking about in respect of violating laws and copyrights - so if Mr Peddinghaus or anybody else from Germany needs to get further information do not hesitate to contact me.

All the best

Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

so also du hast nicht behauptet es sei eine recaster figur.
behauptest aber mit deinem satz
doch genau wieder daß produkt welches ich dort gekauft habe sei eine recaster figur
sonst macht dein vorwurf keinen sinn
aber was solls
es scheint mir wird klar woraus der holzvorrat deiner sockelchen kommt
aus moralisch einwandfreien deutschen holz direkt vor dem schädel ist ein unerschöpflicher brettervorrat
Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

Over all personality discuss, I can tell my story.
A friend of my german painter some years ago, come with this orignal master and some resin copy to me and my home and was thought to finish they master and
sell them to S & T.
He wants my advise and we have a nice weekend in work !
Now I must ask; who SCULPT this figures and who sell the figure to S & T.?
In the same year I saw this figure painted in the showcase at HvB in Ingolstadt from this german guys!

Some jury member will remember !
Later than we lost contact and I saw this figure by S &T again , there was based on a picture and a little 54mm posed figure of my range !
And now the moral of the story who tells the facts ??
Best regards
I have moved this thread out of the review section.

A discussion can continue further if we all keep it civil.

Ulrich, I understand what you mean, I've seen that before where a sculptor will reuse his own pieces and sell to separate manufacturers.
Re: Peddinghaus - 1/16 - Deutscher Panzergrenadier - EP1495

Over all personality discuss, I can tell my story.
A friend of my german painter some years ago, come with this orignal master and some resin copy to me and my home and was thought to finish they master and
sell them to S & T.
He wants my advise and we have a nice weekend in work !
Now I must ask; who SCULPT this figures and who sell the figure to S & T.?
In the same year I saw this figure painted in the showcase at HvB in Ingolstadt from this german guys!

Some jury member will remember !
Later than we lost contact and I saw this figure by S &T again , there was based on a picture and a little 54mm posed figure of my range !
And now the moral of the story who tells the facts ??
Best regards

Well, this is an really old thread and I just came across the answer of Ulrich Puchala. I don`t know if it is worth the effort but for the sake of facts I will reply.
Ulrich, you know that you are one of Germany`s top sculptors in my eyes and you should get mentioned when you were involved in sculpting a figure. It is true that the idea for this figure came from a 54mm figure of your line that was made in the eighties. That figure had a different pose but showed a soldier of the Luftwaffenfelddivision in Italy armed with MP 44 and K 98.

When the sculptor Christoph Bail got some resin dummies to produce masters for the S&T-line he sculpted this figure - inspired by your sculpt - within just one week and you were not involved. I was with him when he showed to you the finished result at Ingolstadt and when you suggested a twist in the hip to improve the anatomy of the sculpt and he told you that the master is already on its way to USA for production.
When Christoph visited you later on there was some joint work done on 54mm sculpts for the Preiser line as far as I know. Christoph`s marching ammo handler was finally released as your sculpt with the other figures of the set. Christoph never complained about this because he learned many valuable lessons from you about sculpting.

Well, as time goes by sometimes memories betray you and errors occur but your reply to this thread is obvoiusly not lead by mistakes but by malice. That really makes me sad.

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