Jager and Dragon


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Ciao Maurizio!

ottimo lavoro, sia il tuo di scultura/conversione che quella di diego di pittura!
avevo tre domande:

1- Non ti pare che diego in questo perido dipinga con tonalità un filino troppo scure?opure è un effetto dello sfondo verde che usa per le foto?

2- Cosa si intende per sottosquadri?che inconvenienti comportano queste cose??

3- questi due pezzi non andranno in produzione giusto?solo per facoltosi collezionsiti!

ciao ciao!

GAbriele !

Hi maurizio!

WOnderful work, both your sculpting/conversion work and DIego's painting!
I have 3 questions for you!

1-Do you think DIego in his lasst figures paitn whit darker tonality?Or it is an effect caused by green background used in photos?

2- What are "sottosquadri"?

3- These peices will not be produced? only for rich collectors! :lol:

WOW! Maurizio, fantastic stuff! I hate to sound dumb here but are these both 54mm? They are both fantastically rendered for sure. The paitin' aint half bad either! :lol: ;) Nice work both of you, you guys are at the top of the game for sure!

Jay H.
amico mio,
both are fantastic sculpts as always, details are really awesome...and it is a pleasure to see them painted by Diego...congrats from heart to both.
bestest regards
Markus - Peter - Maurizio - Gabriel - Marc - Jay and Engin
many grezie for yours compliment make appeal to me very to receive them and ringrazio to you also from part of Diego.

For Markus - Me dispiace not to be able to come this year to Ingolstadt it would have made much pleasure me to pass some beautiful day with you.....but I do not have great possibilty of movements...I can make little transfers in a year.
But I can say that you will be able to see these pieces to the competition of Inglostadt will carry them Diego and therefore you will be able to greet it of person. Salutes to my German friends and good Manifestation.
For Gabriel the painting of Diego is not changed at all and always be much dark one....
For the sottosquadri I can say that if is made for production pieces he would be impossibol to print them.
while if they are made for only pieces or collectors........they facilitate the construction why you do not have
to make no analysis of decomposition and they increase the factor realistic. These in fact are pieces for Collectors
However the sottosquadra those are all leave thin and svolazzanti that it does not find in production pieces
I hope to have made to understand something with my English.

La pittura di Diego non è cambiata affatto e sempre stata molto scura ....
Per i sottosquadri posso dire che se si fanno per i pezzi di produzione sarebbe impossibile stamparli.
mentre se si fanno per i pezzi unici o per collezionisti........facilitano la costruzione perchè non devi
fare nessuna analisi di scomposizione ed aumentano il fattore realistico. Questi infatti sono pezzi per Collezionisti
Comunque i sottosquadra sono tutte quelle parti sottili e svolazzanti che non trovi nei pezzi di produzione
spero di aver fatto capire qualcosa con il mio inglese.

Salute to all

MAB :)
Superb Figures !!!
Great poses and very original subject matter
I admire your amazing ability to sculpt details in small scale.
Great paintjob as well (y)
Well Well ...this is a good reason, to desire lots of money in your life ! To be able to get pieces like these in your collection ! Yes money sometimes can make life brighter.

Spectacular workonboth figures by both Maurizio and Diego . Presentetion is also very nice .

Cannot say more... just admiring .

My friend Maurizio you become more and more productive raising quality more and more !!!!! BRAVOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Maurizio, Awesome figures!

Excellent both sculpt and painting!!
Now I wish to be a collector (plenty of money) for having the possibility of getting one of your impresive figures!!!

What a piece of art!. Congratulations.

Arthur - Gary - Chris - Costas and Rafael

Dear friends is much content for your approvals
very soon I will make to see other small jobs.

Thanks and salutes to all :)

ciao....due pezzi veramente belli...però ho una curiosità...perchè anche nei pezzi unici ti comporti come fossero dei master...nello Jager per esempio perchè hai fatto le braccia staccate.....?
Ciao Mariano Grazie per i complimenti
la risposta alla tua domanda è semplice
purtroppo è una deformazione professionale
quando imposto il pezzo faccio sempre la braccia staccate

per questioni tecniche ho preferito lasciarle separte
per avere un minimo di gioco nell'incastro con la mano
sinistra che era attaccata al Fucile.

Comunque il fatto è che se hai un sistema di lavoro
è difficile riuscire modificarlo ma ci proviamo.... :)

Hello Mariano Thanks for compliments
the answer to your question is simple
unfortunately professional deformation is one
when tax the piece I make always the arms detached

for technical issues I have preferred to leave them separte
for having a minimum of game in the joint with the hand
left that was attacked to the Gun.

However the fact is that if you have a job system
it is difficult to succeed to modify it but we try ourselves.... :)

Saluti Maurizio
Maurizio, wow...2 really unusual subjects, and your sculpting is breath taking on them both, fantastic, especially the jager, beautiful..and Diego's painting is a knock-out..just incredible.

All the best...Roy.
Thanks for the pictures, wonderful figures in sculpting and painting. I wonder though couldn't you cast or have cast the smaller, more difficult details, like rifle, and powder horn, that sort of thing for future use? Or perhaps making availible to others for their use. I'd cast them for you in resin if you were interested, but the shipping to and fro might not be to your taste.

For Markus - Me dispiace not to be able to come this year to Ingolstadt it would have made much pleasure me to pass some beautiful day with you.....but I do not have great possibilty of movements...I can make little transfers in a year.
But I can say that you will be able to see these pieces to the competition of Inglostadt will carry them Diego and therefore you will be able to greet it of person. Salutes to my German friends and good Manifestation.

Maurizio, I´m so sorry to read you aren`t able to come. But I´m looking forward to see your pieces at the show. And I´m also looking forward to meet Diego. We will try to take as much pics as posibble and then we will show it here on PF.

The best wishes,
Roy - John - Ray - Djobri and Markus
Many thanks for your approvals
that to say I try of you amuse also I little to me.

For Ray - Thanks for your council are your availability. :)

For Markus - pieces that you have seen are already to Ingolstadt
and they are within the cassette of Diego :lol: task that I would see them tomorrow
when to open the Competition thanks a lot for the photos and
Good Amuse on the Competition.

Hello Maurizio,

I`m just back at home from the "Duke of Bavaria" and I had a smalltalk to Diego and then, between all that stress at the competition I found your figures and had a closer look on your pieces.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Maurizio, what I saw was a great pleasure. All I thought when I saw this was: "That is perfect, simply perfect !!!"

The best wishes,

Congrets for the Goldmedal at the Masters Open.

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