Just got back from Euro.......


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One of these days Marc I will make it accross the pond to Euro.

I hope you will still post your pictures Marc
I think Gino is talking to Jaume......looks like the photographer did a qick couple of "show crowd" shots either side of the stand
Hi to you all lucky dudes who made it to Euro..........being there, making friends, having so much beers, picking up tips on this wonderfull hobby of ours & having your model judged is enough........winning anything, is, over and above that............ :lol:

Don't get me wrong, everyone of us likes to win something at the Olympic Games for that is what I consider Euro to be, ( and I do work for that) but it's not the end of the world if one does not!!! :angry:

Welldone everyone

Ray :)
Hi Ray

Yeah, we wre lucky to go!! Got to meet Ivan Cocker.........hadn't met him before, but met him and his wife and their sleeping child in Ivan's arms!

BTW, have a good Independence Day tomorrow! :)

Definately not the end of the world! It's always an eye-opener to see the finesse some of these models have; to see them for real is a real privilege

Great shirts Quang and John...I gotta know where you got them! You made me proud my friends!

Glad that the show was well attended, and that you had a chance to learn...gotta agree with brother Petey, that to me is the best part of any show!

Hope all is well

Great meeting all you guys, Euro as brilliant as ever :) I have just updated my website with the beginnings of a new SBS on one of Pegaso's new 75mm hope you like it. Just click on the www link.
Hi Guys.
Just back home from Euro.
Was a nice weekend and I was more than happy to put names to some faces and have nice chats with some PF members.
I can't wait to sit in front my workbench and start some of the figures I bought...he,he
...and the winner is: DANI ALFONSEA (Dani A.) (y) (y)

Standing next to Dani is Jaume Ortiz.

Don't let the plain, dark shirt you fool you. The man's got quite a few medals (silver AND gold) underneath it. Congrats, Jaume! (y)



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Just outta interest what did you buy?

Just thinking what I have got to look forward to seeing you do.

I looked at a couple of the links for the pics. Wonderful.

But, is there some place with a list of the winners and their pieces?

Hi Robin
I've got the EMI hoplite(I couldn't resist after seeing Hardy's one),a russian private from Sparta miniatures(pic),and some TANK resin figures...and I have to order a Hussar in Russia as Christmas gift... ;)
And you?


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Lets see

Pegaso Warrior Priest
Pegaso Russian Napoleonic General
Pegaso Mounted Polish Lancer
Pegaso Trumpeter of Hussars
Elites New German from the Franco Prussian
EMI Confederate.

That hussar is a canny little fellow aint he, you order him matey and I will pack him personal like special for you.

These two Dani and Jaume are two of the nicest people you could want to meet, my heartiest recommendations to have a drink with them if you get chance.

Hi Rob, glad you met the maltese cocker family :lol: really sweet!!

Hi Hardy, how did it go for you mate :eek: ?

Take care all of you ;)

That's some shir ..... oh God ..... my eyes! ...... MY EYES!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I know what you mean,Pete...after three days living in the same hotel room....brrrr!!!.....and you didn't see the one he wore Saturday....my god!...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ahhh Jaume, you got some Tahk figures too! Had my eyes on them for some time!

I got the Soldiers Laruccia sculpted Ranger (a true giant of a 54mm figure!), Quangs latest, Dog Tag Ashigaru (Emmanuel Valerio one), the Latorre Viking, a Lengend 120mm Korean warrior (so cheap!) and some tristar DAK figures.

Big shame Dani's Saturday shirt wasn't photographed! Truly Marvelous! :eek: