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Figure Mad

A Fixture
Nov 9, 2004
Hi Guys

Here is the latest figure I startted a couple of days ago, hope you like it, all comments are welcome... You will have to excuse the photography as I need to spend more time with my camera... :)



:) Ciao Dave, good work beautiful face, this is a great figure, I star to paint the same figure yesterday, I send pics a planet when I finished. I wanna see you very soon more pics of your figure. take care Luca (y)
Hi Luca

Thanks, that’s a real compliment coming from you, I agree its a great figure and a real painters figure, the paint just flows at this one

Hi Dave, it's certainly a lovely face...and it's not 'til you see this figure in your hand that you realise how small he is, but nonetheless beautifully're doing a great job mate...looking forward to seeing your new boots....

All the best.

Hello Dave

I agree with the others the face is very very nice painted. It looks real if you see this pictures.
How did you paint it with acrylics or oils.
I going to watch your progress with this figure.

Greetings Dick ;)
Hi Dick

Thanks for the comments, the face has been painted in acrylics. and thankfully with a new method of painting faces I have been trying out for a couple of weeks.

Hi Roy Thanks for the comments.

I will post more over the weekend

Hi Guys

I have just added the jacket to this little charmer, as usual all comments welcome


Dear Dave I do recall you bringing this one down to the club, and I agree that it really is a painters' figure with nothing to do but get the brushes out .

And what a beatiful bit of work you've done on it. I love those fleshtones, you'll have to let us know how you arrived at them

happy painting mate
Thanks Guy, your comments are always welcome.

Hi Ross, this guy is done in the same old acrylics that I have been using for 5 years now, thanks for the compliment, are you going to Euro ?

Dave - Unfortuanatly not. Finances don't allow it this year. Hopefully next year. Come to think of it its been 5 years since my last Euro!! So I will definetley be there next year. Anyway great looking figure. Can't wait to see it finished.

Ross :)
Hi Guys

Another update, just done a little on the groundwork and all thats left is to paint the hands and a couple of added extra bits to the ground around him and a couple of touch ups on him...

All comments welcome...

