Review Latest from S2K -American Civil War Figure


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

After a busy move and as promised to PF member Marc Day who owns the company S2K ( Sovereign 2000 ) who announced the release of the review subject here:

Its a rework by Marc of a figure previously in the range from Wolf which Marc bought up masters from.

The subject an unusual one as he is armed with a lance , perhaps not the ideal weapon for the warfare at the time , part of the Union army , lances are also evident in the confederate forces .

Armed also with a sword and pistol which were much used I am sure rather than the lance

It is of course Rush's Lancer​


Lets have a quick bit of details on them:

The Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry, also known as Rush's Lancers, was a completely volunteer unit and one of the finest regiments to serve in the Civil War.

Tracing their history from George Washington's personal body guard during the Revolutionary War

Many of the men of the Sixth Pennsylvania were the elite of Philadelphia society, including Richard H. Rush, grandson of Dr. Benjamin Rush, Maj. Robert Morris, Jr., great-grandson of the financier of the Revolutionary War, Capt. Charles Cadwalader, whose great-grandfather was a general under George Washington, Frank H. Furness, architect and Medal of Honor recipient, and George G. Meade, Jr.

It was their actions in battle that distinguished Rush's Lancers.

The Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry earned a reputation for being a highly trained and reliable unit, despite being armed initially with antiquated weapons, leaving their mark on key battlefields, including Hanover Court House, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Brandy Station--where they conducted one of the most famous charges of the war--and Appomattox.


Books are naturally available here are a few:

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Continued in next post

Lets look at the resin

Title: Rush's Lancers 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry

Reference: S2KW5414

Scale: 54mm

Material: Gray Resin

No of parts: 13 ( extra lance parts )

Casting: In House by Marc Day

Box Art: Marc Day

Parts consist of main figure with arms, head, lance consisting of carrying strap on part of lance, , 3 pieces of a picket fence ( one piece has his belt with pouch and pistol in holster cast on it , lower part of lance , the lance head ( note there are 2 of the last in pack ) and of course we have a base.

s2k Rush Lancer 003.jpg

Box is a card type item with a picture of the painted piece and the resin being inside held in a clear bag surrounded by foam chippings.

s2k Rush Lancer 001.jpg
s2k Rush Lancer 002.jpg

General comments
  • Good to have the extra lance parts incase of a visit by the carpet monster!
  • The pose is a relaxed one with the trooper leaning against a fence , cigar in hand , lance leaning in fence
  • Main figure.... Remove casting excess from under shoes
  • Head... Remove from casting post and fit
  • Lance parts....Remove from casting post and fit lower and head to form lance
  • Fence pieces.... Remove casting excess and build to form picket fence
  • Base.... Sanding around edges and fit figure
As you can see very little pre prime work to do ...a happy modeller will transpire !!!

Main Figure

In a relaxed pose , leaning on his right arm , the left slight raised to his hip , wearing the shell jacket opene slightly to reveal the undershirt .

The right arm has a cutout to fit onto the fence post , hands are well done and cast well
The jacket has lacing running over the rear with the pointed cuffs also having nicely done edging , the collar also has lacework , the shoulders have the dress scales in place , the actual scales are well done.

Trousers are long with the lower edges leading onto the shoes again a good area

Holding a cigar stub , you might like to replace this with a bit of wire

On both the jacket and trousers folds and creases are in the correct location in respect the body position.

s2k Rush Lancer 007.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 004.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 006.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 005.jpg
s2k Rush Lancer 008.jpg s2k Rush Lancer 009.jpg


Wearing a kepi back on the head, raised at the front to expose the face .

The shape of the kepi is very good with the strap nicely defined , on the top of the cap we have the letters RL with the number 6 under it.

Hair is long , good texture work on the hair strands , looking at the face he sports a rather fine moustache as well turned upwards at the ends , very good eye and facial features ...a veteran I feel .

s2k Rush Lancer 020.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 019.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 022.jpg

Lance Parts

Marc has reworked the lance to be hanging more naturally, the lance itself sits against the shaft , the actual pennant ( swallow tailed ) hangs well , the ends wrapping round the shaft a little

The lower pieces are delicate and will need careful fitment , I might suggest that you replace the resin shaft with a brass rod if you are able , still using the point and the pennon.

s2k Rush Lancer 011.jpg s2k Rush Lancer 016.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 017.jpg

This is the original lance before Marc's rework x.jpg


Consisting of 4 pieces the main upright has the belt order with a expense pouch and a small cap pouch, also pistol in holster hanging on it , again very naturally .

The pieces are textured to simulate wood of course and washes will bring this out

s2k Rush Lancer 014.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 013.jpgs2k Rush Lancer 012.jpg s2k Rush Lancer 015.jpg


A simple oval base , undulating groundwork , there is a cutout for the main fence post to fit to

s2k Rush Lancer 018.jpg

Final Mutterings

A nice piece to see made available again , nice as a stand alone but would also work well in a vignette or diorama .

Casting is good , minimal prep

S2K products are always worth a look , good value and with a friendly and helpful owner to all

Why not have a look at the other release I looked at from S2K here:

For more details go to:

Website details: ( there is a contact form )

You can also purchase S2K products from

Message Marc here on PF ( user ID Marc Day )

Thanks to S2K for the review item and to you all for looking in

Happy bench time

Interestingly I don't believe that Rush's Lancers ever used the Lances in battle. The only lance charge of the war was by the 5th Texas Mounted Rifles at the Battle of Valverde in 1861
The only documented "Lancer Charge" of Rush's Lancers was by Co. C at the Battle of Hanover Court House in May 1862. By 1863 the lances had been done away with as unwieldy and impractical. Companies I & E were the last to turn in their lances on May 6, 1863. Still have my original Wolf figure in the grey army but nice to see it available again.

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