Review Latest from UP Miniaturen -Empress Maria Theresa


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all on PF ,

There hae been many great and influencial female leaders in history ranging from Boudica to Queen Elizabeth II , in amongst them was a certain Empress of Austria namely Maria Theresa .

I was pleased to be able to purchase the resin version of Maria from Up Miniaturen and this is what I would like to present for your delicitation today.

Firstly notebooks out and begin to learn something about our subject :

Our subject was born on the 13 May 1717 and was named Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina , the birth of a girl was a great dissapointment to her father Charles VI wanting a son to succeed him (we shall call her Maria for the review!!!)

The Prussian ambassador noted that she had large blue eyes, fair hair with a slight tinge of red, a wide mouth and a notably strong body.

She started her 40-year reign when her father died in October 1740. Charles paved the way for her accession .Upon his death Saxony , prussia, Bavaria and France all revoked any sanctions they had recognised during his lifetime. Prussia then invaded the affluent Habsburg province of Silesia, this started the 9 years ofconflict known as the War of the Austrian Succussion. Maria Theresa would later unsuccessfully try to reconquer Silesia during the 7 Years War.

She married Francis of Lorraineand seemed to be constantly pregnant having a total ofsixteen children, including Queen Marie Antoinette of France.

Maria's lifelong enemy was Frederick the II of Prussia whom she apprently according to the Prussian Ambassador in a letter to Frederick stated that :
"She has, as you well know, a terrible hatred for France, with which nation it is most difficult for her to keep on good terms, but she controls this passion except when she thinks to her advantage to display it. She detests Your Majesty, but acknowledges your ability. She cannot forget the loss of Silesia, nor her grief over the soldiers lost in the wars with Prussia"

Maria said that had she not been almost always pregnant, she would have gone into battle herself.

Maria was a devout Roman Catholic in all matters and when her husband died this was the beginning of a 15 year widowhood ,she described her state of mind shortly after Francis's death: "I hardly know myself now, for I have become like an animal with no true life or reasoning power"

Maria abandoned all ornamentation, had her hair cut short, painted her rooms black and dressed in mourning for the rest of her life. She completely withdrew from court life, public events, and theater. Throughout her widowhood, she spent the whole August and the eighteenth of each month alone in her chamber, which affected her mental health.

It is unlikely that Maria ever completely recovered from the smallpox attack in 1767 . She suffered from shortness of breath , fatigue , insomnia amongst other ailments .

The empress fell ill on 24 November 1780,with a chill. Her physician Dr. Störk thought her condition serious. By 28 November, she asked for the last rites and the next day, at about nine o'clock in the evening, she died surrounded by her remaining children.

Maria Theresa left behind many reforms , among them religious and educational as well as increasing the army by nearly 200% , she was the only female to rule in 650 years of the Habsburg empire ..truely a remarkable woman.

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Looking now at the model itself what do we have :

Subject title: Archeduchess Maria Theresia

Scale: 1/10th

Parts: 3

Material : Resin

Sculpted by : Ulrich Puchala

Box Art : WIP

Reference : 0031

The model was received packed in a strong white box , with the parts secured in a plastic bag to avoid any damage , surrounded by foam chippings (I removed these for the picture).

The front had a picture of Maria based on a painting of her but the boxart is in progress and I will update as soon as I get it ..I am sure it will be worth waiting for.(y)

Consisting of only 3 parts , the torso , the head and the base itself , all parts are cast in the now familiar light grey resin .

Also included is a information sheet full of colour references which are a great starting point for referencing.

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Lets do things a little different we shall look at the base first :

I am really pleased that the normal one has not been used what has been sculpted by Ulrich is a splendid and very detailed base , full of definition and style in addition to this it complements the model really well .

Sculpting is clean and tight with undercuts (yes there are these on this base) being really well done. It was a welcome change to see such a specially thought out base, an area so often left till last with little thought being normally given to it ....not in UP's case.

I had no cause to reach for the sanding pads , all was very cleanly cast with no flashing whatsoever to deal with ..a good sign .

Also part of the base is the pedastal which has a lovely little addition to it ..the royal arms ..a challenge to paint in colour if you wish to ..but worth the effort IMO ...another nice addition .


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Moving on now to the largest of the pieces ..the torso itself :

As I said in my last post this comes with a nicely detailed pedastal , this fits well into the main part of the base , but as I normally suggest it for safety .

The torso is sculpted with the Empress wearing a brocade dress with a cape draped around her shoulder , above this is a further soulder piece which I would paint as ermine .

The neck area extends to include 3 rows of pearls with 2 locating points in the top of the neck , these correspond to the 2 lugs in the base of the neck area on the head . (Top Tip : use the wifes iivory nail varnish to simulate the pearls or iridescnt fluid from W & N which has a sparkle) .

The brocade dress itself is full of details , all of which will be brought out by careful work with the brush, there is some nice lacework around the edging of the dress.

The cape has some nice folds on it , all of which do a fine job simulating the material .

Maria's left hand is across her chest holding the cape up , again the sculpting looks good , the fingers defined including the nails , and thin as in the portraits I have seen during research.

Behind her neck are 2 plaits of hair , again nicely detailed and which match up with minimal filler to the hair piece (she wore a wig)

Maria ha sbeen sculpted in her later years with an ample bosum , really well done but not overdone .

Out came my optivisor and again I can find no flashlines to deal with on the torso , either on or underneath ...WELL DONE the caster I say .

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Lets have a look at the head now :

Maria has been sculpted as I have said in her later years , and Ulrich working from many portraits has produced an amazing likenessto our Empress ...complete with double chin and plump features ..all so like the images I have included in the review .

Features are very female in style with a high forehead , on her head she has a wig (remember she cut her hair short after the death of her husband) .

She wears a tiara with drop pearl earrings, finely sculpted and cast ..a credit to all involved .

The hair style is also as in the portraits , with some real fine curls and depth .

There is 2 lugs which fit into the corresponding holes in the neck area of the torso , minimal filler is needed .

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Now then lets have some views with all of the pieces together :

I am sure you will agree she looks every millimetere the Empress she was ...magnificent and a reformer ..

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My Final thoughts on this release :

Well as I am one for the ladies (stop laughing now:whistle:) this is a great bust which is a wonderful tribute to the honour of Maria Theresa .

It will be a challenge to paint the flesh , the brocade materials of her dress and the finely sculpted lacework ..what will you have at the end of it ...something very special and a talking point at any show or competition table .

She will look great put together with Sissi from the UP Range as well

WELL DONE UP ...Highly recommended .(y)(y)

As always purchase details are below :

UP miniatures contact details : or [email protected]

Price of 35 euro's plus shipping, you are guarenteed an excellent service from UP

or from Historex Agents in the UK
Hi Jim ,

Sorry my friend ...Ulrich is on a roll and they are getting better both in subject matter and sculpting .................

Think you had best keep that list handy ...more soon !!!!o_O

Happy list making

Nap what a wonderful piece of sculpting this bust is. Just superb and the casting is a work of art. Cetainly one to think about.
Is this the woman after whom the famous coin was minted?

Nap what a wonderful piece of sculpting this bust is. Just superb and the casting is a work of art. Cetainly one to think about.
Is this the woman after whom the famous coin was minted?


Hi Don ,

It is a great sculpt and Yes it is the same woman on the coin called The Maria Theresa thaler(MTT) is a silver bullion coin that has been used in world trade continuously since it was first minted in 1741.

Another great reference for the bust !!!



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Nap It was widely used in the Middle East, in fact in some countries was the only coin they would use. Still a few around, but not in use, in the Gulf today.
Nap It was widely used in the Middle East, in fact in some countries was the only coin they would use. Still a few around, but not in use, in the Gulf today.

Hi Don ,
Thanks for the info , always appreciated ....amazing that a coin stayed in use for so long .

Well Nap ! this is a nice sculpt (y) But like you I have always been attracted to the fairer sex , and as you as a ladies man I think you should give this one a miss :ROFLMAO:

Merry christmas Ron
Another great piece of sculpting Kev. Brilliant review as always. I especially like the lacework and the detail given to the base.


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