Sorry,the teeth are wrong and the gums the wrong colour,wait a minute,I think one ear is bigger than the other ![quote="smudger1960, post: 848417, member: 5424
View attachment 264066
That reminds me, must go to the dentist.
Sorry if I offended anyone else,but it gets bloody stupid on here,what will we have next !,how many lashes are on a horses eye,for gods sake it's a Modeling site.
Yes I do get offended with silly pointless coments,I can't point out if you do anything wrong because you don't post anything.Sorry if your offended but I just pointed out something you could so easily correct. Another modeller is working on a similar project on this forum and his has a loose throat lash. The bigger the scale the more detail you can add. I've posted projects online before (not on this forum but I will). I have had errors pointed out and I have either corrected, or acknowledged them and not corrected owing to too much work.
I'll pop something on the forum soon and please feel free to mention anything I do wrong. I wellcome your input.
In the meantime I wish you luck with your wonderful project and look forward to seeing it completed.
Great work jim,all I was trying to point out to our friend red 5 was the lash will appear different depending on the pose of the horses head,I'm the "other modeller" doing a horse head with a bust (Scots Grey)...and it's just shear fluke I noticed in a photo of a horse that the bit that hangs underneath the horses head (throat lash?!) is loose, ???.....To be honest all I know about horses is there are holes at both ends and they fart a lot!
Keep at it Brian I'm really looking forward to see how your work comes together, I know it'll be good as your stuff always is.... crack on mate
Cheers Jim,great work on your scots grey as well mateHi Smudger
I've had to make use of the ignore button many times in the past here on PF...found it's a really useful tool!
Don't be put off mate, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this one, I know it'll be great