Least favourite part of a paint-job?


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I don't know if this counts since it's a little less about painting, but for me, it's doing work on the base of a model. Basing products are just ok, for the most part, and it's really hard to do DIY stuff that looks any good

Peter the solution is to become a basing material hoarder like me :) Here in the states you can good stuff from Military Miniatures Warehouse and Scenic Factory. AK Interactive has good products too. DIY just doesn’t look good unless you are Bill Horan.
Hard to be specific, but there’s an intermediate stage in my shading and highlighting that I really find ugly. It’s probably about shades and highlights not all being in the right places yet, and layers still being too transparent or too opaque. If I manage to plug on at some point the clouds clear and things start to look the way intended.

My most favourite part, by the way, is completing a figure. Ah, the satisfaction...after all those hurdles...!

Peter the solution is to become a basing material hoarder like me :) Here in the states you can good stuff from Military Miniatures Warehouse and Scenic Factory. AK Interactive has good products too. DIY just doesn’t look good unless you are Bill Horan.

Lots of good stuff to look up. Thanks for the leads! And yeah, if I were half as good as Horan, I'd feel better about DIY stuff too.
Anything that's supposed to be 'black'... for it's never actually black, it's always a very dark version
of something else that's hard to get to first time. It always takes me a few attempts....:facepalm:

For me, it's the first application of paint over the smooth uniform primer.
It never looks right, and always looks like my first figures, when I knew nothing about shading and highlights.

The final finishing . After all the time painting (I am a slow painter) it almost feels anti-climatic. Sometime later, I can look and be happy knowing it was the best I could do. I always try to improve each time (like everyone), eyes and faces being the hardest for me.

With me, I always start with the face. If it turns out well relatively quickly, it's like an inspiration to finish the figure, if I'm struggling it tends to end up back in the Grey Army. Ray
Eyes, especially the left eye (which I do upside down and backwards) without a doubt. I don't think I've ever painted a set of eyes that I'm completely happy with.

The trick with eyes I've found is this -
If you're right handed paint the left eye first; this way your brush handle/bristles don't cover over what you are trying to copy :) (If you're a lefty then obviously just reverse this)

Hope that helps

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