I thought I'd posted this yesterday, but it looks like I failed to hit the "post new thread" button.
Still a bit to do, but you should get the idea.
Hi Carl!. What is the scale!
Congrat for the cammo (it is very difficult to get it). I only think you need more highlights in the next figure but I think you are doing it better with each new figure you paint.
Thanks for having a look.
You're right Steve helps to have a good reference.
Rafael, I still have a lot to do but I'll consider what you said, and thanks. Oh yes, and it's 120mm.
Thanks Steve, I think stunnings taking it a bit.
Hopefully I'll have it finished and on its way by the weekend Ken, so no for Bolton. But hopefully I'll have Zeus done, that is if I pull my finger out.
I do like the to create a bit of atmosphere Grant.
Great job Carl, the camo is awesome. Perhaps its just the pics but there doesn't appear to be much contrast. I'd like to see a bit more shading to emphasise the creases and folds in the clothing.
Thanks again for looking in, and there's till a lot to do.
I thought it appropriate as it the 30 year anniversary Brian, Mona wasn't the same without animation, are you going to S&L?
Cheers all,