franceso sbarile
A Fixture
The galley has been the undisputed ruler of the Mediterranean Sea for almost 400 years.Direct descendant of the Greek and Roman ships has fought an infinite number of naval battles and small battles especially during the period of expansion of the Ottoman Empire.The apex of these battles was certainly Lepanto (1571).
where the galleys of the knights from Malta contributed significantly to the defeat of the sultan's fleet.In the following century especially Venice and Malta continued to use galleys to oppose the corsairs of the Ottoman fleet.I started from the idea of setting a Malta banner-holder on a seventeenth-century galley and inserting a gunwale culverine in this scene but ... there are no 75mm-scale naval culverins . So I started looking for documentation about naval artilley of the period, then a cut an appropriate size street lamp from spare parts, complete it by a cannon mouth also from spare and a plastic cylinder to close the rear of the culverine. Some more brass wire, copper plate, trinkets, and a small brass thin plate with engraved leaves complete the piece. Hope you enjoy it and I will proceed to the next step

where the galleys of the knights from Malta contributed significantly to the defeat of the sultan's fleet.In the following century especially Venice and Malta continued to use galleys to oppose the corsairs of the Ottoman fleet.I started from the idea of setting a Malta banner-holder on a seventeenth-century galley and inserting a gunwale culverine in this scene but ... there are no 75mm-scale naval culverins . So I started looking for documentation about naval artilley of the period, then a cut an appropriate size street lamp from spare parts, complete it by a cannon mouth also from spare and a plastic cylinder to close the rear of the culverine. Some more brass wire, copper plate, trinkets, and a small brass thin plate with engraved leaves complete the piece. Hope you enjoy it and I will proceed to the next step