Membership to PF.


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A Fixture
Oct 8, 2014

Over the past 4 / 5 weeks I have been looking at the number of PF members in relation to Guests logged in to the PF site.

The norm seems to be around 50 - 60 members to 550 -600 guests. With a membership of 8,186.
When you look at those members logged in they appear to be on the whole the regular contributors to the forum.
So what can we do to encourage our our current membership to engage more and persuade the guests to become members.

Out of the 8,186 members? How many still log into PF or have moved on. ????

Interesting point, Mick. Maybe admin could have a Spring Clean - then we might get a better picture of actual membership, rather than historical?(y) Just a thought...
Interesting point, Mick. Maybe admin could have a Spring Clean - then we might get a better picture of actual membership, rather than historical?(y) Just a thought...

Hi Steve,
My thoughts too. Maybe anyone not logged on in 12mths.
If it can be done Pre advertising the fact and throwing the site open to all and asking the question Why they they haven't joined and What could be done to entice them to join. ie an open site that any one could post, members & None members alike for say a 24hr period.

When you see the standard of models on here compared to other modelling sites, maybe its a little intimidating to new blood..? Again, just a thought....

But this site as you know is open to everyone, My own painting is not in the same town let alone street as most of the work shown, But because of this site it has improved leaps & bounds. Plus there is more to this site than showing your figures / busts its the learning and assisting others which we can all do.
I agree entirely - My sculpting and painting has improved no end being here and there is a lot of info sharing here, too.

Perhaps the increase of the many FB pages devoted to modelling, etc has diluted the membership here, although they never seem to have the same depth as this place does.(y)
When you see the standard of models on here compared to other modelling sites, maybe its a little intimidating to new blood..? Again, just a thought....

But you dont have to reached a certain standard to gain from, participate or be involved with the forum. As long as you have an interest in modelling and/or history and are a nice person, you will be fine and enjoy yourself. All modellers I have encountered has turn out to be likeable blokes with just a few execptions.

Although there might be a lot of focus on competitions its not a big deal for most of us.

Janne Nilsson
Hi Guys

Good facts and figures from Mick and I agree that a "Spring clean" mght be in order , I will contact admin ref this .

Possibly initially at the 18 month point , see how that looks and then resvisit it again depending on that .

The fact that details will be deleted if no participation within a period of time should then be added for new members info

I love coming here , I haven`t contributed anything to PF ,yet,( maybe 10 -15 years time ) and shall pay membership as soon as I put money in my bank tomorrow as I believe $15 is poultry for a years tutition , mentoring and Advise , like Valiant says his skills have improved no end , and Janne is correct in saying you dont have to reached a certain standard to gain from, participate or be involved with the forum ( remember Janne says this , when I put up my 1st figure in the brutal honesty thread :whistle:)

as far as keeping the guests , I have built some of the biggest CMS websites , thats the business I was in , 1 now closed that had Over 22,ooo members (23rd century music ) , any popular social centre will get traffic + pirates , not including robots and except maybe putting in a centurian , this will always happen ,
all you can do is hoover every 12 months or so , or go the thread push , like the market place , ex amount of posts to view certain threads
Hi Guys

I have had a reply from Admin , over the last 12 months there have been 2000 logged in , what I have asked if for more detaiked info , as soon as we have this we can then see how everybody feels about a Spring Clean ....I think possibly by first doing a Poll as well .

Cheers to Mick for raising the question

Mick , that's why I love coming here , people like you

Everybody should enjoy and learn/ gain something when they visit ..even if it's just a smile from a post ...I certainly do EVERYTIME

Why not support PF as well by making a very small donation every year ( $15 dollars ) and avoid the adverts as well as other benefits

Everybody should enjoy and learn/ gain something when they visit ..even if it's just a smile from a post ...I certainly do EVERYTIME

Why not support PF as well by making a very small donation every year ( $15 dollars ) and avoid the adverts as well as other benefits


I agree. and as for the $15 US that is about £11.80p GBP and Euro 13.60 Cheap at half the price.

On the surface a "Spring Clean" looks like a good idea, but in reality it wouldn't help much. It is true, that the number of registered members would better reflect the active user base, but there are really no other benefits. It wouldn't save any hard drive space. Deleting accounts would also disconnect existing posts. Members who decide to return would find no way to access previously posted content. I considered deleting accounts that never posted, but even then, we would lose information about people who showed some interest in PF.
I like the notion that if you open an account here, the content you contribute would be preserved forever.
Hi Guys

Thanks to pwadm for the concise reply with the reasons , no benefits to be gained apart from relenting the user base .

Would be interested in knowing how many of the total members registered/logged in haven't actually posted anything for what ever reason

PF has the friendliest and most helpful members , and myself as a complete novice , have in a short space of time learned what would have taken god only knows how long $$ will be with you today , I don't get bargains like this..
I accept what Pwadm has said.
So what can we do as a forum to bring the guests in from the cold and become members, It would be great if they became a PF Supporter.
But as a member would be a great start.
I have certainly noted that the forum has become more Europe-centric. The members from the other side of the Atlantic have definitely dropped off. If they have migrated to other forums, I don't know, if so, good luck to them. No forum is prefect, but you'll have to go a long way to beat this one.

I reckon every forum is roughly the same, I go on other forums about Depeche Mode, Man U, and other excellent stuff. All forums are roughly the same - 90% of the posts come from 10% of the members.

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