MFCA Show?


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PlanetFigure Supporter
Mar 13, 2005
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Does anyone have any information about the MFCA show in the Eastern United States? I may have snagged myself a free airline ticket, and have always wanted to go to one of the "big" eastern American shows, and I'm assuming MFCA would fit the bill nicely. So if anyone has info on dates, of perhaps a link to their site, I would be most grateful. Thanks.

Glenn, I was there last year for my first time and loved every minute of it. So i'll be back next year

Stephen Mallia
Ooooh, I really want to go! Does anyone know if there are special room rates for the closest hotel(s)? How much do rooms at the closest hotels usually cost per night?
If you go to the MFCA site there should be a link for the hotels. The show area (King of Prussia) is held in a complex that contains the two hotels, the Radisson and the Scanticon. Great area with Valley Forge National Park less than a mile up the road. Really beautiful drive/walk around. The show rate is around $100 a night (incl taxes) if I remember right. I know some people have had problems with reservations at these hotels in the past but for the most part I have had good experiences.

The only problem I ever had was when I was warned that my vehicle would be towed because I had parked with my front facing out to the lane. I was told that in Pennsylvannia it was the law to park with the rear showing so the license plate was visible :( I explained that I always parked this way as a) more visiblity therefore safer when pulling out b) engine compartment is accessible if you needed a boost or tow and c) I'm from Ontario, and the plates are on the back AND the front. The hotel had no sense of humour and so I did as I was told :lol:
Wendy, There are two hotes right in the convention complex. I stayed there last year and the rates were decent as were the rooms.
John Stonaker
Thanks everyone. It looks like I found my show for this year! Are there any sites that have pictures from past years? (aside from the two links so kindly provided above). I am really looking forward to this, and I hope I can finally over come my shyness to actually meet some of you. Thanks again.

A shy Albertan! You jest surely :lol: I guarantee you will have a great time. Although a lot of toy soldiers, you will also see the largest vendors area anywhere. Great hospitality suite too, or so I have been told ;)
By all means make an effort to attend as the rumor mill here in the East is hinting this is the last MFCA Show. As far as I know this is the final show at this location and since decision making appears to be a missing quality in the few 'powers' that be in the MFCA time is running out on any possible new locations in 2008. What was once a thriving club with ( at one time ) almost 600 members, a quarterly, a newsletter and meaningful club meetings it has become simply the title of a miniature show. Quite simply, mis-management of funds that had taken years to build up were ill directed to an expensive show location that consistantly cost more than was taken in. Now the well is going dry.
So it goes....
John, I think you are being a little too tough on these guys. While I'm not THAT close to the inner circle, I do know that they did try to find a cheaper (and better!) venue two years ago, and I understand that they have one located for 2008. As to funds, it was a conscious decision to supplement show revenues with club money since the coffers were fat and the alterantive was not to have a show or charge a lot more. They were trying to do the right thing. It's easy to second-guess these decsions, and I'm sure errors were made. But I, for one, am thankful that these guys do this show year after year and give us the chance to attend one of the premier figure events in the world. I agree its a shame about the club fading, but the interest just does not seem to be there anymore. Sic transit gloria mundi!
I'm working on it too. I had so much fun last year that I just can't miss it

Stephen Mallia
Pat, I'm well known as a 'softy' and make it a point not to get 'tough' with anybody..... that I got that fiction out of the way.
I'm quite aware of the good intentions of those 'in charge' and I'm also aware of what road is paved with such things. I'm a local and joined the club in the early 70's. Many of my dearest and closest friends were also members and were responsible as driving forces.
Sadly all but one are gone. Club money initially was for a library site to benefit the locals. Unfortunately such locations increased in prices to such an extent that interest waned. When the club ceased to exist as a true entity the money was still there and it was not a bad sum.
A cavalier attitude towards the use of this money is always questionable when placed beside it's intended use. Where once there was a board of directors there is literally nothing. There is the Show and the few with access to this money deemed the Show must go on even if the cow was milked dry. No one seemed to question where the milk was going to come from once the cow was gone.
I will not list names, no one is solely to blame since most of them have real lives to contend with and ( frequently ) that's enough of a job. In spite of the loss of money they produced some fine shows and never reduced the quality to mediocrity. What has been missing from the society is a dominating personality in control and willing to stand in front of the fan when things start to fly.
As for other site locations New Jersey ( Southern New Jersey....the civilized part where all the good looking people live ) has been pushed, but N.J. leaves a bad taste in the mouths of major dealers. Delaware has been suggested but the suggestion has been filed away for perhaps 'future' refrence. Unless something definitive has come up ( signed contracts ) I am clueless.
My own feeling is I'd love to see the Show continue for decades more, but unless it starts to turn a profit I can't see how.
Hi John,

I too was a Club member for may years, though I joined in the mid-1980s, towards the end of the glory days. It's a shame those days couldn't continue. We had fun at Weidner University (I think that's where the show was for many years), but there were problems there too. Let's hope that a better site is found and that the show can continue. I may be a Polyanna, but I trust that a solution will be found.
See you at the show!
Hey guys, last year was my first year at MFCA and , as i said, I had so much fun that I'm going to return. I really hope it won't be my last for reasons beyond my control :lol: :lol:

Stephen Mallia
I've been attending since the mid 90's and I have yet to have a bad time. The quantity/quality of work, the size of the vendor area and the friendly atmosphere created by the east coast guys are top rate. I maybe easy to please but I even like the hotel location, near a major mall, plenty of dining options and close to Valley Forge. Even the weather has been ourstanding every year I have attended. No complaints from me. See you in 2007 :)
Hi Everyone,

It would be a shame to shut one of the premeir shows in the USA. The club brings in major artisens from around the world to put their artwork right in your face. Do you think MOMA or the Met would let you get that close to a Van Gogh?
The New Jersey Exposition Center would be a great place to put on the show, it's in Central Jersey with access to major highways and hotels.
Either way I will be there next year!

Best Regards,
John Stonaker

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