Dan Morton
A Fixture
Well, sure, there would HAVE to be one, right? As you all know, there are enthusiast groups and many have web sites, etc., etc. But this one has some stuff I can practically guar - an - tee you haven't seen - unless you're a figure maker/painter and also a military horse enthusiast... OK, I'm thinking there aren't TOO many of us in that group.
How about a Madsen Light Machine Gun saddle pack and ammo pouches?
How about a 1902 universal pattern saddle?
How about a 1906 converted rifle saddle pouch used to carry a Rexer (which is another type of Madsen LMG) machine gun?
And check out the COOL desktop downloadable of the Royal Horse Artillery in full swing! OK - sure, not everybody is interested in cavalry and horse artillery but, if ya are, hey, enjoy!

How about a Madsen Light Machine Gun saddle pack and ammo pouches?
How about a 1902 universal pattern saddle?
How about a 1906 converted rifle saddle pouch used to carry a Rexer (which is another type of Madsen LMG) machine gun?
And check out the COOL desktop downloadable of the Royal Horse Artillery in full swing! OK - sure, not everybody is interested in cavalry and horse artillery but, if ya are, hey, enjoy!