Military Horse Web Site


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Dan Morton

A Fixture
Jul 3, 2004
Great Plains of the Midwest, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,
Well, sure, there would HAVE to be one, right? As you all know, there are enthusiast groups and many have web sites, etc., etc. But this one has some stuff I can practically guar - an - tee you haven't seen - unless you're a figure maker/painter and also a military horse enthusiast... OK, I'm thinking there aren't TOO many of us in that group. :)

How about a Madsen Light Machine Gun saddle pack and ammo pouches?

How about a 1902 universal pattern saddle?

How about a 1906 converted rifle saddle pouch used to carry a Rexer (which is another type of Madsen LMG) machine gun?

And check out the COOL desktop downloadable of the Royal Horse Artillery in full swing! OK - sure, not everybody is interested in cavalry and horse artillery but, if ya are, hey, enjoy!
the website is quite all right, perhpas even great if one is interested in the British cavalry of the least cavalry period, the end of the 19begining 20th centuryin the Western Europe - funny thing the Brits did not even develop their own cavalry school as such military schools development did take place on the continnent during the 18th and 19th centuries (Germany, Austria, Russia, France and Italy).
For me British cavalry and their weak equipment does nothing... But the British horses were great, especially suitable for parades etc!
moreover, I have not heard about any great and famous British cavalry charges of that period worth studing and scultping ;).
If anything the Boers riders did kick some sore British buttocks in the Boer war... while the Brits shot away the Sudanses cavalry with the machine guns during the Mahdi war...
The famous Light Brigade charge is overblown in its significance, perhaps due to the movies and popular culture, and the Grey Scots and Royal Dagons at Waterloo were such a disaster when confronted by the French who were not that great horsemen after all.... But the popular culture, movies etc
but he link is always useful, i suppose
Dario -

I didn't recommend the web site because I'm enamored with British cavalry (or anybody else's for that matter). And whether Brit horse equipment was good, bad or indifferent also isn't an issue for me. I recommended the US [not British] enthusiast group and their web site because the web site has photos and write-ups of cav equipment, particularly some WWI stuff, I've never seen anywhere else on the web. And believe me, I've looked. Reference photos and information for sculpting / painting, etc., for certain things are sometimes hard to come by.

Recently, I've been looking for as many reference photos of WWI cav uniforms and equipment as I can find because I'd like to do several more WWI cavalry figures. The Belgian cavalryman kinda whetted my appetite for more, you might say.

Anyway - politics and history aside - hope you and others can get some stuff from the site.

If anybody else has WWI cav web sites they know about, please post 'em.


All the best,

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