Modeling Lessons Online


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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Hi all!

I have an idea and I was going to forward this topic as an email to the manager(s) of the forum,but,first,I don't know who the manager is(bad relationship with technology :( ),and,second,I wanted to know what the rest of the members think about it:

How about creating a section in the forum where a member could give a "lection"(or lesson,or seminar...or whatever it is called...)about painting or sculpting.I know that this is done more or less through the different topics,but it's more like a member makes a question and we get different opinions.But imagine that a new member sould read a hundred topics to find what he or she needs.Even worse with a noobie in Hist.Miniatures that doesn't completely understand the topics(for example I had no idea what Microballons is until I purchased it...).

The themes of the lections could be of any type.From general painting topics(Basic colors,types of paints,color mixing etc.),to needed material for a new modeler(I wish I knew which material I need to have when I started!).Or,how to create terren for bases...Hundrends of themes!

The problem is that the "lector" needs to be a master(For example,Master Goose is a master on creating bases!).We have enough Masters in the Planet,so the problem is actually who will invite the lector...

Questions could be asked and be answered,and someone could find any info needed gathered on a topic,than searching the entire forum.

I'd like to hear your opinions on this one,guys!Please,don't hesitate to disagree if you think my idea is stupid or impossible!

Kostas, in a way, don't we have that now with the V Benches? Granted, you have to trim a lot of fat out with all the responses, but... Maybe you could explain this a little better. Do you mean something where people do not respond (allowing more of a clutter free "article")? Maybe they could respond in a seperate discussion thresad? Not sure...could you explain this a little better please? I agree 100% that the talent is here, we just need to find out what "we" want.

Good topic,
Jim Patrick
Hi there!

Jim,you're right!My idea is not clear enough.I mean we could let a member who is very good at a technique describe to us on a topic how exactly he does it.For example Marijin could describe how to paint dust on the clothes of a figure.In details,with pictures etc.

I remember a past topic about how to paint scars on the skin of the model.It came as a question from a member.My idea is to give articles on subjects like that,detailed descriptions on several techniques.Someone who does it very well may write the article and the rest of us could form it with additions,questions etc.

Guys,Jim,sorry again,my English is very bad,and,furthermore,I haven't organized the whole idea in my mind very well.I just haven't got nor the free time neither the funds to get knowledge from the hundreds of books about painting and sculpting figures,and I'm looking for ways to get better.I thought that most of us want this,so online articles through this great forum would be a good idea.

Thanks a lot for the reply!
Hi Kostas,
There's something like this going on at ArmoramA that you may want to check out. Three members (at two that I know are members here too) are conducting figure painting classes.
Here's a link that will get you to them...

That said, I do think that it would be great to do the same thing here. I'd love to see some classes on specific techniques. And we sure do have some of the finest painters here to teach us :)
Good idea, I'll be like a manual so we can use it anytime we want.
And don't forget to add a section of basic colors for your palette too.
Einion had listed one, but got to find it through the pages now.
Sometimes people asked me for this basic list too, and mine is not so complete.
Hi all!

Guyz,I'm so happy you like my idea so far!Let's discuss it more,so to organize it the best!

Craig,thanks a lot for the link!I had in mind something between this and the article about painting with acrylics by Mario Fuentes on Vallejo's website.The difference is that I cannot contact Fuentes for clarification,or even add something more to his techniques.This problem will be solved here in the forum.

I've met many people interested in modelism,that miss the basic knowledge and they hesitate painting figures because it seems too difficult to them!There are also noobies that are afraid of asking about the basics,since everyone's asking about the "special effects"(scars,dust,mudy clothes etc.)only!I think these articles will help all ranks ;).

I recently collected every possible material one needs for painting,so,if you agree,I could write an article on this one:Necessary Materials for Painting figures.It doesn't need to be an expert,so I could do it,and it will be easy because I made a list before a few weeks.

So let me know how and where(and of course,if you agree).The problem is that I cannot add photos,but in this kind of topic I don't think it's needed.

Cheerz and thanks for the kind replies!
Kostas, we'd welcome anything you do to enlighten others here on pF. If you don't have a camera, save to covers from the net and add them to your post...wouild serve the same purpose as a photo.

Jim Patrick
Though you could take some of the more informative sbs's and make them into an article by removing responses andquestions, I think there is something to this idea. I'm willing to do something once at least some of the dust settles from my current projects.~Gary
I was recently made aware I was a bit remiss in my duties ( ;) thanks M.) and with all this talk about tutorials, this simply must be added. El Greco Miniatures has some VERY nice tutorials going on over there. The sculpting tutorial is done by none other than our very own, Stephen Malia (Slaj). At the conclusion of the tutorial, you will be able to contact Stephen about any questions you may have. Stephen will also soon be undertaking a painting tutorial using El Viejo Dragon figures. Knowing Stephen and knowing his work as well (both sculpting and painting), I'm sure we will get a lot of useful information from both of these tutorials. While your'e at it, browse through the El greco website, you'll see a lot of familiar looking figures as well as some you haven't seen. Nice looking site Matthew ;) .

Jim Patrick
I agree on sbs, and tutorials and any form os sharingthat will allow members to gain skills and information . i like to atend them a lot, and on fields i consider my self skilled a bit , i have no problem of doing them .

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