Jason W.
A Fixture
Hi All,Originally posted by Billhoran@Dec 6 2004, 09:50 PM
The last parts being produced in this series are a French/Prussian Infantry Trumpet (with tassels). Brad Liford is working on the casting now.
Looks like the sets will be broken into French and Prussian packs. Each pack will contain headgear/equipment for three (3) soldiers - plus one trumpet with tassels.
Received my F-P War parts yesturday, and what a treat to come home to

Bill's sculpting of these pieces are very nice and Brad's castings are first rate!
The only flaw I noticed was on the bill of the Prussian jager shako, but this can easily be filled with putty.
I am a little disappointed that there are no trumpets included as described. Have not contacted Brad on this yet, so I'm hoping these were left out by mistake.
Needless to say, a gentle hand will be needed to saw these off the lug.
This what you get...enjoy!