New! 54mm Franco Prussian War Parts Available


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Originally posted by Billhoran@Dec 6 2004, 09:50 PM
The last parts being produced in this series are a French/Prussian Infantry Trumpet (with tassels). Brad Liford is working on the casting now.

Looks like the sets will be broken into French and Prussian packs. Each pack will contain headgear/equipment for three (3) soldiers - plus one trumpet with tassels.
Hi All,

Received my F-P War parts yesturday, and what a treat to come home to :)

Bill's sculpting of these pieces are very nice and Brad's castings are first rate!
The only flaw I noticed was on the bill of the Prussian jager shako, but this can easily be filled with putty.

I am a little disappointed that there are no trumpets included as described. Have not contacted Brad on this yet, so I'm hoping these were left out by mistake.

Needless to say, a gentle hand will be needed to saw these off the lug.

This what you get...enjoy!




WOW,they look AWESOME :eek: :lol: !! I've already ordered and paid for mine and I can't wait to get my grubby hands on them ! Thanks for the preview,Jason. Cheers !
Kenneth :)

Sorry about the trumpet. I think I am to blame for that one. The master looked great, but the bar loop on the trumpet was just too flimsy to mass produce. Also, Brad needed to cast the trumpet with the muzzle down against the plug, so trimming the plug away is also not for the faint of heart.

If you lean on Brad, I am sure he will be able to get you one, but they are pretty scary to clean up!

No sweat, Bill. Brad said they would be difficult to cast.

Thanks to you and Brad for making these available. I'll be ordering
another Prussian set soon.

I too picked up a couple of sets. Not exactly sure what I will do with them yet but they were a must have for something good. Great job Bill and let's hope we can see some more goodies like this in the future. Incidentally, seeing your recent FP War pieces in the flesh at SCAHMS was a treat.

I was wonder what you have been using for references for the FPW figures beyond the Neville, Detaille art work.

My own collection includes the Issues Copernic books, a bunch of L'Uniformes articles, and a couple of slick little articles on the Prussians and Italian Berseglieri out of Military Modeler magazine back in the dark ages of the early '80s.

I am always looking for new sources for uniforms and equiement.

Thanks in advance. Love you work and hope to see it up close in Boston.

Hi Wayne.

The following are my main sources:

- German Armies 1870–71 (1) Prussia (Men-at-Arms 416)
- German Armies 1870–71 (2) Prussia’s Allies (Men-at-Arms 422)
- French Army 1870–71 Franco-Prussian War (2)
- French Army 1870–71 Franco-Prussian War (1)
- A Terrific Multi-Part article on the French and German Armies that appeared about 30 years ago in Airfix Magazine (a friend copied and sent it to me)
- A series of articles on the French Army from Tradition Magazine (French language with superb photos)
- The website

Hope this helps...


If you would be interested in the Military Modeler articles, I have the originals. I would be willing to swap for copies of the Airfix articles.

Originally posted by Billhoran@Dec 6 2004, 09:50 PM
We are exploring how to get a series of rifles in metal (Dreyse, Chassepot and maybe a Bavarian Podewils). More on that later.

I'm really excited about these and hope they prove helpful in encouraging budding converters to "get off the shnide"!!!

Any news about these rifles Bill ?

Hello Everyone,

Since I've never spent much time in the forum scene I wanted to take a moment and resurrect this post... for a few reasons.

First, thanks go to Bill Horan for giving me the opportunity to cast such fine pieces!!!!

Second, thanks to everyone who picked up a set of the Franco-Prussian accessories.... and most importantly, the patience given while I bumbled my way through the casting of them and the last few years of my life. (Jason, you should've let me know the brim of the shako was damaged.... I try to keep the QC high on anything that gets sent out and would've replaced it)

Third, since I still get contacted about the availability of the sets, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm alive and well (even if I'm slow at responding at times) and that the sets are still available..... but I have new contact info and before the old address is gone for good, here's the new one.... [email protected]

Thanks Again..... and Happy Modelling!!!!!

Brad Liford
Thanks for the update, Brad. I'll be ordering more soon...Yes, I'm slowly stock piling these accessories. I hope to start building another F-P diorama in the next couple years.
hi Jason
i just received an answer from Brad Liford :)
I suppose that the sets are awesome, aren't they ?

PS: beautiful your last mobile ;)


Yes, these are wonderful accessories. Saves much time. Now if we can talk these guys into doing some Bavarian helmets along with weapons (preferably in metal) like the Chassepot, Dreyse, Werder and Podewil rifles....;)

Hi all,

I bought some sets of those parts and they're prime stuff.
Now I'm waiting (like so many people) for some weapons and material foe other countries involved.

Thank you for making these parts available to all.

Hello Everyone.....

Thanks for all the praise on these pieces and for those who haven't seen them, here are some pics (including the evil-illusive bugle)



Jason, I took a look at the pics on your site.... Excellent!!! Were the accessories used on the French Garde figure?

As far as rifles go... they are a little too tedious for resin. Bill and I spoke about this around the time that these pieces were created, and agreed that they would be better off in metal. Some items get a little too small for resin, case in point being the bugle. Even the bayonet and sword are pushing the limits and are easily broken. As far as future accessories go, for the moment I'll stick with resin casting, leaving the sculpting up to the experts until I make it back into the sculpting groove.
Jason, I took a look at the pics on your site. Were the accessories used on the French Garde figure?
Brad, Thanks!

Yes, I used them on the Mobile and a few others. It can't be said enough of how much time these accessories save for modelers who have an interest in this subject. I can't imagine going back to scratching all that equipment.
Are these still available Bill? I know I'm a few years late, and the email link is no longer current, but would really like to get these parts.


Tony Stencel

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