New figure firm


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Alex Lopez

A Fixture
May 13, 2004
Mexico City
Hello friends.

Finally we are happy to announce the beginning of our figure firm.



We are going to produce 54mm and 70mm metal figures, resin bust, and 1/35 resin figures.
Well, these are the tree first news availables next days.



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Dear Alex hi, i am happy to see you releasing new works that look splendid!!!
I wish you best luck and acceptance from all modelling world

Best regards

I also would like to wish you Alex good luck. I hope to see very good pieces in the market (the first ones are superb). Keep up the good work.

Alex, good luck with your new business venture, the first figures look great, what scale are they and are they white metal or resin. Is there a link to your web site.
Excellent pieces Alex.
I hope you can fill in the gap from Seil Models. I really like that figure in the middle (is it a Byzantine warrior?).
Good luck with the firm.

It looks great! Good luck for your firm Alex.
Do you have website?

Te escribo en castellano que seguro que me explico mejor jejeje. Tienen una pinta muy buena, el galo lo veo un poco raro con la pierna esa para arriba jejeje pero me lo imagino con una peana en la que apoye esa pierna en una roca o algo así y queda de miedo.
Espero que tengas mucha suerte con tu nueva andadura.
Por cierto, ¿tienes ya alguna web donde se pueda echar un vistazo a la marca?

Un saludo
These look like very nice figures (scale?) However, could I please make a plea that if you are considering adding to your range with more Roman Army figures that you consider moving away from the centurion/soldier/signifer area from the 1st/2nd century AD. Just about every manufacturer there is has produced one (or all) of these subjects - and some of them are superb models. It must be very hard for a new firm such as yours to break into the market which is already so stuffed with models of this type. That said, good luck with your venture!
every manufacturer there is has produced one (or all) of these subjects - and some of them are superb models. It must be very hard for a new firm such as yours to break into the market which is already so stuffed with models of this type. That said, good luck with your venture!

That is a good point.
You're right, there are models that are inevitable in many firms.
But that's why we started this adventure with these issues. Thus, collectors immediately will know the direction for our young company ... and their expectations. So is that we do not concern at the catalogues of other companies, we will make our best effort in each work, mainly looking for a "ICON style".
thus, we plan interlayer not only figures of ancient Rome as you mention, we also will produce Vikings, Templars etc. ...

I hope that we will succeed.

Alex Lopez

ps. all tree first figures are 54mm (60mm really)

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