A Fixture
And right in the town centre unlike Folkestone!
But we do have two stations, in our hay-day we had four.
And right in the town centre unlike Folkestone!
I know this doesn't apply to you Billy, but won't the webbed feet and 6 fingers put off the Europeans?
Just asking.
Those things can be an advantage. There's not many people outside Norfolk who can count up to 12 without having to take their shoes and socks off, or catch a baseball with their feet![]()
As long as it is not in Liverpool where they have light fingers(allegedly)but won't the webbed feet and 6 fingers put off the Europeans?
Just asking.
As an outsider looking in, Euro Militaire always had a sense of tradition and excellence attached to it, even when it was quite a young show. Over the years this reputation grew and I made it my goal to attend and compete at Euro. I did this back in 2009, and I was not disappointed, but even so I could see the signs of disenchantment with the show, the venue, the town and the organisers back then.
Not surprisingly, in the years since then all those factors have worsened and now the show is dead. I wont mourn the death of Euro Militaire, instead I will greet the birth of a new show that will rise up to replace Euro, and hopefully make good on some of the issues that plagued the old show.
Firstly, Folkestone is a dreary and moribund seaside town bereft of charm and dominated by antiquated hotels and facilities. Another venue in a town with more charm and appeal, and a venue that wasn't built in the 1920's would be a good start.
The organisers of Euro appeared to lose the plot several years ago and the show became more about making money than anything else. There's no reason why such a show can't be run for and by hobbyists and still make a profit. Hopefully any new or existing show that rises up to capture the place of the UK's premier modelling show will remember that. I think its a cop out for the Euro organisers to blame everything and everyone for their decision to shut down Euro, without also accepting ultimate responsibility for its failures and the decision to kill it off so abruptly.
I know from being involved in our own local model expo for the past 17 years that such events are primarily social events for modellers to get together and catch up with each other. Shows that accommodate the social aspect of modelling, and encourage such activities are bound to more popular than those shows which are just about sales, medals and "who won BOS?".
Euro is dead. I'm over it. What's next?
A very tired and bizarre venue, in an old-fashioned run-down town that inexplicably didn't want us there. Just think of the money we brought into Folkestone that weekend....
Steve I'll never understand the amount of people who bought into that BS put out by Mytime the year before last. Maybe a record number since Mytime took the show over perhaps ??
Unless you are rich, London is a dirty, sprawling, expensive, crime-ridden hellhole.
My advice to any visiting extraterrestrials (or even Canadians) would be go there once, do all the compulsory tourist stuff, then leave it at that.
My last visit there was in 1999, and from what I've heard it has got much worse since then. I am in no rush to go back. Even a model show would not tempt me.
- Steve
Unless you are rich, London is a dirty, sprawling, expensive, crime-ridden hellhole.
- Steve