Well guys as Stu has said and has I've posted we are trying to get something going. the UK trade are behind us trying to get things going. it's going to take time and it's going to take the help of a group of people who have the will and time to piece it together.
The show will go on I'm sure we will have to work hard to get it where it belongs but it's not impossible. I was one who said that I would not attend Euro again as a trader in the form it was in after this years poor turn out. I made the decision based on business. I love the weekend away meeting up and all that. but when you have a small business you have to look at making a profit. the price of the tables and the lack of punters and MY Time Media not caring destroyed it. we now have a chance to change things. I'm sure we will get our friends from Europe and the rest of the world to come back to a new improved event.
So a good way for ward would be to now look to the future and see what we can do about getting this UK show back where it belongs. we are working in the background on getting some plan together, and get a group who can pull this thing together. we will want the thoughts of you guys. but most of all we will need the support of you coming to the event and making it work.
We can't do this alone we need the backing of the modelling world.